There are many career options in various career fields like designing.fine art performing art literature and there is a large scope for the talented and unique persons.
The salary for a creative director is one jacket button every 5 years
You can find career options at Chapters Indigo Canada by going onto their website. There you can find a large amount of useful information on how you can enrich your life by having a career there. is a good site to research your stock options in India. Interactive Brokers is another company that you can use to help with your stock option in India and other countries.
i feel entertainment is becoming a more tedious job! we have seen that their are several shows on entertainment an there is a tough competition ,as several people choose it as a their career options! people want more creative work and talent! and it require lots of skills....which has made it more hardwork.
The biggest benefit of military service in India undoutedly is a CLEAN and HEALTHY lifestyle
One can get more information on options for an online career from these sources: Creative Choices, My Future Wise, Regional Help Wanted, Career Option Magazine, Doleta, Job Guide.
To explore your career options, you can see if your school has a career placement center where they can access your skills and offer you career options that fit your qualifications and skills.
hindi experts are in very much demand at india and pakistan. You can find great options as translator.
It sounds like you have some artistic interest. Have you considered a career in design? Fashion designers and industrial designers often design with the computer, with hand sketching and also build models at times.
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First you must define what exactly you think is a career in creative writing. Creative writing ability can be used in a number of fields, but is not a specific occupation. Once you decide on a specific career, your path will become clear.
various options are available like microbiology,biotechnology,industrial microbiology or life sciences. however it should be kept in mind that job opportunities in India are not much.
yes,, alot of career options available because radiologoist are on demand.
In India engineering itself has many good job options--couple it with an MBA and you fare even better.
Career planning options
About the same options as are open to any woman.