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/admin /bots (number of bots you want)

/admin /addmap (code for which ever map you want)

/admin /endgame -- Ends level and goes to next map

/admin /maps -- shows all maps on rotation cycle

/admin /nextmap -- tells you next map

/admin /players -- list of players on server

/admin /boot (number of player on player list)

/admin /shutdown -- shuts down server

/admin /say (what you want to say as admin) Example --Admin: Hi instead of Bob: Hi

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

up up up left down down down left up up up left right

i think that gets you unlimiterd helth

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You have to point your reticule at the computer you want to give the command to. You can only give commands one computer at a time, and they have to be pretty close to you.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Go to it will tell you

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Q: What are cheat codes for Star Wars Battlefront 2?
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Press Pause And do the Code

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