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Articles of Impeachment are precise statement of the facts upon which an impeachment of a government official is based. In the US Constitution under Article I Section 3, for example, the President can be impeached and removed only for Treason, Bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. The House of Representatives draws up and votes on the Articles of Impeachment stating the facts that allegedly amount to those offenses. Articles of Impeachment are likened to the counts of an indictment against a defendant in a criminal case.

Note: Impeachment refers to the process. Impeachment does not mean removal. A conviction for impeachment means automatic removal from office.

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Q: What are articles of impeachment?
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Who starts impeachment proceedings?

Impeachment proceedings are started by people in the Senate who represent the interests of the People. That is why no impeachment proceedings have been started against the acting president.

Can Stephen Harper be impeached?

The status of impeachment as a tool to hold Government accountable is uncertain.As Canada shares a constitutional framework with the pre-1867 United Kingdom, and since impeachment remained at that time an option for the United Kingdom House of Commons to pursue, it can be argued that the Canadian House of Commons continues to enjoy impeachment authority pursuant to s. 18 of the Constitution Act, 1867. However, the status and authority of the Senate to decide on that impeachment (as the House of Lords would do for the United Kingdom House of Commons) is unclear.Some scholars have argued that the power of impeachment is obsolete now that the Government is responsible to the House of Commons. It would be much easier for a prime minister to be removed through a defeat in the House of Commons and subsequent elections, than it would be to navigate the untested constitutional waters of impeachment.

How many articles does the constitution have-?

There are seven Articles in the Constitution. The three parts of the Constitution include the Preamble, the Articles, and the Amendments.

Who was a republican judge presiding over the impeachment proceedings of federalist judges?

samuel chase

List the total articles of Indian constitution?

contitution of india has 444 articles

Related questions

Can select committee conduct impeachment?

No. While a select committee can recommend that articles of impeachment be brought, it cannot bring charges (articles of impeachment) or conduct the impeachment trial. Articles of Impeachment are brought by the full House of Representatives, and the impeachment trial is conducted by the Senate with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presiding.

Who can introduce articles of impeachment in the US?

The House of Representatives

Can the House of Representatives only write articles of impeachment?


Can only the House of Representatives may write articles of impeachment?


What is a simple way to sum up the impeachment process?

The House of Representatives brings the articles of impeachment and the senate either convicts or acquits.

Who gave the Statement on the Articles of Impeachment on July 25 1974?

Babara Jordan

What can Congress do if they feel that the president hasn't followed the law?

File articles of impeachment

What role do senators have in impeachment?

The role that the senate has in the impeachment process is sole power to try-to judge, sit as a court-in impeachment cases.

Where are the articles of impeachment voted at?

They are voted in the House. The subsequent trial takes place in the Senate.

What can lead to the impeachment of the head of executive branch?

To impeach a member of the executive branch, a member of the House of Representatives introduces a resolution that articles of impeachment be prepared and served. The articles are statements of the reasons for the impeacment. The resolution must be seconded for it to be put up for a full vote. If it is put up for a vote, and a majority of the Representatives vote in favor of the resolution, a committee of Representatives is formed to put together specific Articles of Impeachment. Once the specific article are prepared another resolution is introduced, seconded and voted on to adopt those particular articles as the grounds for impeachment. If that resolution is adopted the executive department member is impeached. Mere impeachment does not remove the person from office. Impeachment is akin to an indictment only. After impeachment there has to be a trial on the merits of the articles of impeachment before the Senate. To convict and remove an executive member, a 2/3 vote of the Senators is required.

What committee draws up the articles of impeachment listing the offences?

My balls on a hot sunday :D

What is each role played by each house in the impeachment process?

The House of Representatives must first decide if the President, Vice President, or a civil officer has committed an impeachable offense. Then the members of the house must pass the articles of impeachment, which are the formal allegations against the impeachable official. The articles of impeachment must pass the House with a majority vote. This is the end of the impeachment process, because at this time the official has been impeached, that is articles of impeachment have been served against them. The next process involves a trial in the Senate. The Senate tries the accused according the the articles of impeachment and a 2/3 majority is needed to convict. If convicted, the accused is removed from office and, if the Senate sees fit, barred from holding other government positions (elected or otherwise). The removal of a government official from office is NOT the same as impeachment; impeachment is one step in the process of removing an official from office. For instance, Andrew Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act, but he was acquitted by the Senate so he was not removed from office.