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Bara Bara no Mi (バラバラの実)Meaning: "Bara" refers to the sound a knife or other sharp object makes when it hits a cutting board, while "Barabara" means to disconnect.English name: Chop Chop FruitEffect: Allows the user to split his or her body apart and control the pieces at will, also becoming permanently immune to being cut. However, in order to split apart one of the body's limbs must remain grounded, that is act as normal (e.g. Buggy's feet walking on the ground while the other body parts were sent flying towards a target).Consumed by: Buggy the ClownSube Sube no Mi (スベスベの実)Meaning: "Suberu" means "to slip/slide" in Japanese. "Subesube" in Japanese means "young and sexy", which could describe the eater now.English name: Slip Slip FruitEffect: Makes the user's body slippery, causing virtually all objects to slide off his or her body, protecting the user completely from harm in most situations. Apparently, the fruit also makes the consumer slim if they were obese.Consumed by: AlvidaBomu Bomu no Mi (ボムボムの実)Meaning: "Bomu" is the Japanese pronunciation of "bomb."English name: Bomb Bomb Fruit (anime), Boom Boom Fruit (manga)Effect: Allows the user to make any part of his or her body explode with no harm done to the user; this even applies to hair, mucus, and breath. It also makes him or her permanently immune to explosive attacks.Consumed by: Mr. 5Kilo Kilo no Mi (キロキロの実)Meaning: 'Kilo' as used here is short for "kilogram," a metric unit of weight.English name: Kilo Kilo FruitEffect: Allows the user to change his or her weight, from anywhere between 1 and 10,000 kilograms. In the American animé, pounds replaces kilograms, despite the fruit name remaining the same.Consumed by: Miss ValentineHana Hana no Mi (ハナハナの実)Meaning: "Hana" is, in this context, the Japanese word for "bloom". It can also mean "nose", reflecting the fruit's creation of body parts.English name: Hana Hana Fruit. Referred to by its original Japanese name in the English dub.Effect: Allows the user to bloom pieces of his or her body multiple times from the surface of any object like flowers. However, they can't be formed in areas where there is not enough space, such as inside someone else's body. It has been shown that the user feels any pain directed onto the extra limbs.Consumed by: Nico RobinDoru Doru no Mi (ドルドルの実)Meaning: "Doru" comes from the Japanese word for candle, "kyandoru."English name: Wax Wax FruitEffect: Allows the user to tap unlimited amounts of wax from his/her body, and create things from it. When the wax hardens, it literally becomes as strong as steel. This ability is not to be confused with a logia power, as the user cannot turn himself into wax, and thusly is not immune to physical attacks. Despite its density, the wax can be melted by fire just like normal wax.Consumed by: Mr. 3Baku Baku no Mi (バクバクの実)Meaning: "Baku" is the sound of sheet metal being struck, while "Paku" is the sound of eating. It could also come from the phrase "baku baku tabeteru", which can be likened to "chowing down" in English.English name: Munch Munch FruitEffect: Allows the user to chew through and eat anything he or she wants, and subsequently build it into his or her body, or fuse the eaten objects. The user can "eat" him /herself, and alter his/her body structure at will. The users mouth can be enlarged to extreme degrees and break anything. The user can eat things that would be fatal to normal people like poison. A negative effect of this fruit is that the user becomes permanently hungry, and must constantly eat to satisfy that hunger.Consumed by: WapolMane Mane no Mi (マネマネの実)Meaning: "Mane" means "imitation" or "mimicry."English name: Clone Clone FruitEffect: Allows the user to turn into anyone he or she has touched. When the user changes, he also imitates the copied persons flexibility, strength, etc. [2] and can switch back to his normal state by touching his face with his left hand. The user cannot mimic any Devil Fruit powers the copied person possesses.Consumed by: Mr. 2 Bon ClaySupa Supa no Mi (スパスパの実)Meaning: "Supasupa" is the noise a knife makes when cutting through something. Different from "Bara," the noise the knife makes when it hits the board.English name: Dice Dice FruitEffect: Turns the user's skin or surface portion of his/her body permanently into steel and allows the user to turn any surface of his or her body into a steel blade.Consumed by: Mr. 1 Das BonesToge Toge no Mi (トゲトゲの実)Meaning: "Toge" means "spike."English name: Spike Spike FruitEffect: Allows the user to grow spikes on any part of his or her body, and turn any body part entirely into a spike. The user can also somehow utilize "Toge doping" to greatly increase their muscle mass. All the spikes are capable of going through rock walls.Consumed by: Miss Doublefinger (Dub: Miss New Year's Eve)Ori Ori no Mi (オリオリの実)Meaning: "Ori" means "cage."English name: Cage Cage FruitEffect: Allows the user to place iron shackles on his or her foes, by having them pass through the users body parts.Consumed by: HinaBane Bane no Mi (バネバネの実)Meaning: "Bane" means spring.English name: Spring Spring Fruit (English dub), Coil Coil Fruit (Pirates' Carnival)Effect: Allows the user to turn his or her limbs into springs. It is unknown whether the rest of the body can be changed as well.Consumed by: BellamyNoro Noro no Mi (ノロノロの実)Meaning: "Noronoro" means slowly or sluggishly.English name: Has not been dubbedEffect: Allows the user to emit "Noroma Photons," which significantly slow any object he or she strikes down for thirty seconds. The beam can be reflected off of shiny objects such as swords or a mirror.Consumed by: FoxyDoa Doa no Mi (ドアドアの実)Meaning: "Doa" is the Japanese pronunciation of "door"English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to create doors through and on every surface he or she touches, and make doors through the atmosphere leading into a pocket dimension (a Western-style door).Consumed by: Blueno.Awa Awa no Mi (アワアワの実)Meaning: "Awa" means "bubble."English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to emit and control soap and bubbles that can not only clean off dirt but can also "clean off" power, essentially draining ones energy (and leaving them clean and shiny). This ability is not to be confused with a Logia power, as the user cannot turn herself into soap and bubbles, and thusly is not immune to physical attacks. Water can counter its effects.Consumed by: KalifaBeri Beri no Mi (ベリベリの実)Meaning: "Beri" means berries.English name:Effect: Allows the user to split into orbs where they can separate and come together as well as bounce.Consumed by: Very GoodSabi Sabi no Mi (サビサビの実)Meaning: "Sabi" means rust.English name:Effect: Allows the user to rust any objects instantly. In the anime the user can also rust someone's body.Consumed by: ShuuShari Shari no Mi (シャリシャリの実)Meaning: "Shari" means Wheel.English name:Effect: Allows the user to turn their body parts into wheels and rapidly spin them aroundConsumed by: SharinguYomi Yomi no Mi (ヨミヨミの実)Meaning: "Yomi" is short for "Yomigaeru" which means "revive" or "reborn." Yomi (黄泉) also means Hades, Greek god of the underworld and the dead.English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Initially, nothing. When the user dies, however, it brings them back to life. Upon death the spirit is halted from travelling to the realms of the dead and is instead allowed to locate its body and be revived. However, this does not prevent the user's body from decaying, hence Brook's skeletal appearance.Consumed by: BrookKage Kage no Mi (カゲカゲのの実)Meaning: "Kage" means shadowEnglish name: Has not been dubbedEffect: The Devil Fruit gives the eater the ability to treat shadows as solid objects, allowing them to literally grab a shadow and even put it in a corpse giving that corpse the movement and personality of the original owner except devil fruit abilities. When a person's shadow is taken, they go into a two day coma, and are vapourised if they come into contact with sunlight. Gecko Moria uses this ability to steal shadows using scissors and a spotlight. He can also use this ability to manipulate his own shadow or to allow a physical body to gain shadow-like abilities such as stretching. Also, Gecko Moria can switch places with his shadow if they are disconnected.Consumed by: Gecko MoriaHoro Horo no Mi (ホロホロの実)Meaning: "Horo" means "hollow".English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: The user gains the attributes of a ghost. Allows the user to create replicas of himself with the form of ghosts. Those ghosts are intangible and can inflict different kinds of emotional states on the victims after passing their bodies. However, the ghosts will have no effect on the target in this way if they often feel the inflicted emotion anyway, as demonstrated when they were unable to inflict negative emotions on the naturally pessimistic Usopp. They can be controlled at distance as spies by the user. The user also has attributes such as flight and the tangibility of passing through objects. However, the key to the fruit is that the user leaves their physical body to use these ghostly abilities, making it vulnerable.Consumed by: PeronaSuke Suke no Mi (スケスケの実)Meaning: "Suke" is short for "sukeru", or "to be transparent or invisible". It also refers to "sukebe", which means "pervert".English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: The user has the ability to become invisible, including anything they are touchingConsumed by: AbsalomHiso Hiso no Mi (ヒソヒソの実)Meaning: ""Hisohiso" means "whisperingly."English name: Has not been dubbedEffect: Allows the user to understand the heart of an animal or in other words allow him or her to speak to animals.(Note: This Devil Fruit is anime only)Consumed by: ApisKama Kama no Mi (カマカマの実)Meaning: "Kama" means "sickle."English name: Has not been dubbedEffect: Gives the user two-inch long claws and the ability to attack with blades of air. (Note: This Devil Fruit is anime only)Consumed by: Erik the WhirlwindGoe Goe no Mi (ゴエゴエの実)Meaning: "Goe" is a variation of "koe," meaning "voice" in Japanese.English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows user to create beams of sound by shouting. (Note: This Devil Fruit is anime only)Consumed by: El DragoKachi Kachi no Mi (カチカチの実)Meaning: "Kachikachi" means "knocking stones together."English name: Has not been dubbedEffect: Allows the body of the user to be rock hard and heat up body temperature.(Note: This Devil Fruit is anime only)Consumed by: Bear KingGero Gero no Mi (ゲロゲロの実)Meaning: "Gerogero" means "digusting."English name: Icky Icky FruitEffect: Makes the user very digusting that no one will come near you.(Note: this is Devil fruit is SBS only: volume6 chapter 49 page 104 )Consumed by: the person who ask Oda about this in SBSSamu Samu no Mi (サムサムの実)Meaning: "Samu(i)" means "'cold,' and is often used when someone says a bad joke."English name: Chilly Chilly FruitEffect: Makes the user tell stupid jokes.(Note: this is Devil fruit is SBS only: volume7 chapter 54 page 26 )Consumed by: the person who ask Oda about this in SBS

Zoan FruitsZoan-type (動物系 Dōbutsu-kei (lit. Animal-type), read as Zōn-kei?) fruits allow the user to transform into an animal. This fruit provides three forms: the user's natural form, a full animal form (where the animal's size is often greatly exaggerated), and a hybrid form, combining both original and animal form (usually in a bizarre way). Despite rumors, these fruits cannot give human eaters the ability to talk to animals. There are ways to make even more forms with the "Rumble ball", which lasts for three minutes.Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model Bison (ウシウシの実 モデル野牛(バイソン)Meaning: "Ushi" means "cow"English name: Ox Ox FruitEffect: Allows the user to change into a bison. In the English dub, the user turns into an Ox.Consumed by: DaltonHito Hito no Mi (ヒトヒトの実)Meaning: "Hito" means "person".English name: Human Human FruitEffect: Allows the user to turn into a human, and gives an animal consumer human intelligence. It has been stated that a human user simply would become "enlightened." [3], and unable to swim.Consumed by: Tony Tony ChopperTori Tori no Mi, Model Falcon (トリトリの実 モデル隼(ファルコン)Meaning: "Tori" means "bird".English name: Tweet Tweet FruitEffect: Allows the user to turn into a large falcon at will. It is one of the five known devil fruits that allow flying. "[4]Consumed by: PellInu Inu no Mi, Model Dachshund (イヌイヌの実 モデル ダックスフンド)Meaning: "Inu" means "dog."English name: Mutt Mutt Fruit: Model DachsundEffect: Allows the user to turn into a Dachshund at will.Consumed by: Mr. 4's gun, LassooMogu Mogu no Mi (モグモグの実)Meaning: "Mogu" is taken from "mogura" which means "mole"; "mogumogu" means "mumbling" or "chewing one's words", which describes the way Miss Merry Christmas speaks.English name: Diggy Diggy FruitEffect: Allows the user to turn into a large mole at will. In the English dub, it is called a woodchuck, despite still having the appearance of a mole.Consumed by: Ms. Merry Christmas |Dub: Miss Groundhogs DayInu Inu no Mi, Model Jackal (イヌイヌの実 モデル ジャッカル)Meaning: "Inu" means "dog."English name: Mutt Mutt fruit: Model JackalEffect: Allows the user to turn into a large jackal at will.Consumed by: ChakaUma Uma no Mi (ウマウマの実)Meaning: "Uma" means "horse."English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to turn into a horse.Consumed by: Gan Fall's pet bird, PierreNeko Neko no Mi, Model Leopard (ネコネコの実 モデル豹(レオパルド)Meaning: "Neko" means "cat."English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to transform into a large leopard.Consumed by: Rob LucciZou Zou no Mi (ゾウゾウの実)Meaning: "Zou" means "elephant."English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to transform into an elephant.Consumed by: Spandam's sword, FunkfreedInu Inu no Mi, Model Wolf (イヌイヌの実 モデル狼(ウルフ)Meaning: "Inu" means "dog."English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to turn into a wolf.Consumed by: JyaburaUshi Ushi no Mi, Model Giraffe (ウシウシの実 モデル麒麟(ジラフ)Meaning: "Ushi" means "cow." (NOTE: Giraffes are actually related to cows.)English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to transform into a giraffe.Consumed by: Kaku Logia fruitsLogia-type (自然系 Shizen-kei (lit. Natural-type, read as Rogia-kei?) These fruit allow the user to actually become a natural element in its entirety. Ever since their abilities are gained, they are neither completely human nor element in their default state. However, Logia users have the option of turning completely into their element if they so wish. Logia fruit abilities are virtually immune to damage unless the special weakness pertaining to that fruit is discovered, or if seastone is used. Logia is also the strongest devil fruitsMoku Moku no Mi (モクモクの実)Meaning: "Moku" is the sound billowing smoke makes.English name: Smoke Smoke Fruit (English anime), Plume Plume Fruit (English manga)Effect: Allows the user to transform into smoke at will as well as control it. In the English dub, the user is also able to breathe it (this is only due to the removal of Smoker's cigars, which resulted in him looking like the smoke was coming directly from him).Consumed by: Smoker (4Kids Dub: Chaser)Mera Mera no Mi (メラメラの実)Meaning: "Meramera" is the noise a fire makes when it burns.English name: Flare Flare FruitEffect: Allows the user to transform into fire at will as well as control it. It is equal in strength to the powers of Moku Moku no Mi.Consumed by: Portgas D. Ace (4Kids and Funimation Dub: Portgaz D. Trace)Gomu Gomu no Mi (ゴムゴムの実)Meaning: "Gomu" is the Japanese word for "rubber". It can also be used as "gum".English name: Gum Gum FruitEffect:Permanently turns the body into extremely durable natural rubber, allowing the user to stretch his or her body like rubber and to have a cushioning effect on all blunt forces impacting his or her body. Sharp edges can still pierce or slash through this cushioning effect with relative ease. Luffy is typically listed as Paramecia-type during the show, but this is a misclassification, because his body at the naturally state is at least partially rubber (making his "element" rubber). This is why he is able to withstand electrical attacks, as well as all traits rubber is known for.Consumed by: Monkey D. LuffySuna Suna no Mi (スナスナの実)Meaning: "Suna" means "sand."English name: Sand Sand FruitEffect: Allows the user to transform into sand at will as well as control it. Its power could be honed to the point where the user could also dry anything the user grasps, killing the living through dehydration, and causing all other matter to crumble to dust. However, Crocodile turns solid when in contact with liquids, including blood (or sweat in the English dub) due to the sand sticking together.Consumed by: Sir CrocodileGoro Goro no Mi (ゴロゴロの実)Meaning: "Gorogoro" is the noise thunder makes.English name: Rumble Rumble FruitEffect: Allows the user to transform into electricity as well as control it. It is called "invincible" among all the others devil fruit powers because thunder is closely linked to Godly power. Also enhances mantra. [5]Consumed by: EnelHie Hie no Mi (ヒエヒエの実)Meaning: "Hiehie" means "chilly."English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to transform into ice as well as control it. The user can also lower the temperature of a body if keeps contact to it. The user is also immune to hypothermia, Frostbite or any other cold related diseases.Consumed by: AokijiYami Yami no Mi (ヤミヤミの実)Meaning: "Yami" means "Dark".English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to transform into darkness and control darkness and gravity. The user can absorb physical matter and attacks and redirect it back at others, either by sucking it into a dark mist which spreads from the user, or into the users body itself. Because of this, however, the user takes hits like a normal human. The user also has the unique ability to nullify the powers of other Devil Fruit users by simply touching them.Consumed by: "Blackbeard" Marshall D. TeachToro Toro no Mi (トロトロの実)Meaning: "Toro" means "clear water," although it should be noted that this is some unknown liquid, and NOT water.English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to transform into liquid as well as control it. (Note: This Devil Fruit is anime only).Consumed by: Honey QueenAme Ame no Mi (アメアメの実)Meaning: "Ame" means "hard candy".English name: Has not been dubbed.Effect: Allows the user to transform into a kind of candy syrup, which cannot be damaged effectively by blunt or sharp weapons, because their body will absorb the impact or catch the blade in it, though flour is known to neutralize the effect. The user can also harden the syrup into solid form. (Note: This Devil Fruit is anime only)Consumed by: General Gasparde
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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

chop chop fruit user is buggy the clown

slip slip fruit user is alvida

bomb bomb fruit user is mr.5

kilo kilo fruit user is miss valentine

hana hana fruit user is nico robin

wax wax fruit user is mr.3

munch munch fruit user is wapol

clone clone fruit user is mr.2 bon clay

dice dice fruit user is mr.1 das bones

spike spike fruit user is miss doublefinger

cage cage fruit user is hina

spring spring fruit is bellamy

ox ox fruit user is dalton

human human user is tony tony chopper

tweet tweet user is pell

mutt mutt fruit user is mr.4's gun lassoo

diggy diggy fruit user is ms.merry christmas

mutt mutt fruit user chaka

smoke smoke fruit user is smoker

flare flare fruit user is portgas d.ace

gum gum fruit user is monkey d.luffy

sand sand fruit user is sir crocodile

rumble rumble fruit user is enel

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โˆ™ 3y ago


Gomu Gomu no Mi

Bara Bara no Mi

Sube Sube no Mi

Bomu Bomu no Mi

Kiro Kiro no Mi

Hana Hana no Mi

Doru Doru no Mi Infobox.png

Doru Doru no Mi

Baku Baku no Mi

Ito Ito no Mi

Awa Awa no Mi

Yomi Yomi no Mi

Kage Kage no Mi

Ope Ope no Mi

Fude Fude no Mi

Goru Goru no Mi โ‰ 

Bijo Bijo no Mi โ‰ 

Gasha Gasha no Mi โ‰ 

Logia - The rarest and most powerful of the three Devil Fruit types, Logia-type Devil Fruits allow their users to create, control, and transform their body into a natural element, such as ice, mud, smoke, fire, or darkness. The elemental transformation effectively makes the user intangible, as well as allowing the user to remain in control of their body, even when it is broken into pieces. They also gain every ability related to that element, such as sand being able to absorb moisture or lightning being able to travel through conductive objects.

Moku-Moku- No MI

Suna Suna no Mi

Mera Mera no Mi

Yami Yami no Mi

Zoan - The users of Zoan-type Devil Fruits gain the ability to transform into an animal, as well as transform into a hybrid form of their own species and the species the fruit allows them to transform into. A recently discovered science allows Zoan Fruits to be integrated into objects, bringing the object to life and granting it the standard Zoan transformations. Carnivorous animal Zoans are better suited for combat. Zoan Fruits have a number of sub-classifications, including:

Ancient Zoan - Zoan Fruits that allow the user to transform into an extinct species, such as dinosaurs. Ancient Zoans are rare and they appear to be stronger than regular Zoans.

Mythical Zoan - Zoan Fruits that allow the user to transform into mythological creatures, such as a dragon or a phoenix. Mythical Zoan animals tend to have special powers, like a phoenix Zoan being able to generate flames that have healing powers. Mythical Zoans are the rarest type of Devil Fruit, even more so than Logias.

Artificial Zoan - Artificially created Zoan Fruits that cause the user to permanently take on an animal characteristic; though, much more rarely,

Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe

Sara Sara no Mi, Model Axolotl Infobox.png

Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl

Vegapunk's artificial Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu

Caesar's SMILE

Uo Uo no Mi, Model Seiryu Infobox.png

Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu

Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami

Batto Batto no Mi, Model Vampire Infobox.png

Batto Batto no Mi, Model: Vampire โ‰ 

Meta Meta no Mi: Allows the user to control liquid metal, making them a Liquid Metal Human (ๆถฒไฝ“้‡‘ๅฑžไบบ้–“ Ekitai Kinzoku Ningen). It was eaten by Graydle.

Zuma Zuma no Mi: Allows the user to control plasma, making the user a Plasma Human (ใƒ—ใƒฉใ‚บใƒžไบบ้–“ Purazuma Ningen). It was eaten by Smash.


In addition, both Kid and Law have insinuated that their awakening take a huge toll on their bodies due to high energy consumption in order to perform, turning those techniques into last resorts meant to finish off opponents. It is unknown if this applies to every awakening or is a particularity of theirs.[41]

There have been cases of Awakenings that do not involve altering the properties of foreign objects, but those have only been shown in non-canon media.

Gild Tesoro awakened his Goru Goru no Mi, allowing him to create a complex sensory network within the gold he touched and enabling him to sense every movement connected with his gold.[42]

Douglas Bullet awakened his Gasha Gasha no Mi, allowing him to extend the range of his material combining ability to disassemble and restructure entire terrains into constructs as he sees fit.[43]

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โˆ™ 13y ago

It has been suggested that Dr. Vegapunk knows what all the Devil Fruits are, but the list has not been revealed yet in the series. 54 Devil Fruits have been revealed in the series so far.

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โˆ™ 9y ago

More than 1000 I think, so I can't list them here.

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Q: What are all the devil fruits in one piece?
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What is stronger one piece or Dragon Ball Z?

one piece because there are over millions of devil fruits that can beat dbz fighter

How many cursed fruits are in One Piece?

So far, Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, hasn't given a detalied answer to this question. All he has said is that there are "over 100" of them.

Are there any online One Piece games where you can get devil fruit powers and gather your own crew?

Facebook One Piece Adventures.

Is the devil riut in one peacie ral?

It is not in the real world, but inside the anime One Piece, it does exist.

What is the strongest devil fruit in one piece?

Yami Yami no Mi....the one that Marshall D. Teach(Bleackbeard) is using. In my own opinion, it's enel's devil fruit or kizaru. God-like DF.

What is the word 'devil fruit' when translated from English to Japanese?

The word "devil fruit" when translated from English to Japanese is "ๆ‚ช้ญ”ใฎๅฎŸ" (Akuma no Mi). In Japanese, "ๆ‚ช้ญ”" (Akuma) means devil or demon, and "ๅฎŸ" (Mi) means fruit. This term is commonly used in the popular manga and anime series "One Piece" to refer to mystical fruits that grant superhuman abilities to those who consume them.

Is there a demon in One Piece?

Well, In The Series People Consider 'Devil Fruit' Eaters And Rather Infamous Pirates 'Demons' But Actual Demons It Would Be No Surpise In One Piece World If One Did Randomly Appear ! XD Hope That Helps ! ^_^

Is the character coby from one piece a devil fruit user?

No, he's not. There's always a possibility of it in the future though, knowing Oda.

Who is kaidou in one piece?

Kaidou is one of the Four Emperors (Yonkou). Very little has been revealed about him. - His title is 'Kaidou of the hundred beasts' (can also be translated as 'many beasts') - One of his underlings is known - 'Iron Boy' Scotch. - The navy consider him the strongest man in the world, now Whitebeard is dead. - Donquixote Doflamingo has been providing him with man-made devil fruits created by Caesar Clown. Using these, Kaidou has assembled an army of zoan-type devil fruit users.

Is any one going to die in luffy's crew on One Piece?

Luffy's crew are the main heros in One Piece, there for they are most likely not going to die. One of the crew, Brook, has died once before but was brought back to life by the powers of his Devil Fruit.

If you make a devil chaos chao can you give your chao a hero or chao fruit?

* firstly... if you get a devil chaos chao it will not eat the hero fruits that u can buy from black market... it will have the spiral above its head and it will through it behind, ergo dont keep it in hero garden because it will not be happy with you, it will eat the yellow fruits in hero garden but not the pink one

Did Ozzy osbourne worship the devil at one time?

He never worshiped the devil and will not worship it at all. He is Christian even if some of his fans were/are satanists.