the can can and the french waltz
its banned in India...
Papillion creek (papillon means butterfly in French) and Loup (wolf) river are two rivers with French names in Nebraska.
They are named after famous French people.
Danone is the most famous brand name of yogurt in France. It is more a global brand now than a French one now, as Danone employs more Americans than French.
there is Corrida and theres a type of brandy called Christian Brothers cognac champagne chianti chablis claret cabernet chardonnay
Tatra (Czech), Talbot (French), Trabant (East German), are car brand names which start with a "T."
Courvoisier is the brand name of a French cognac. Cognac is a type of brandy, in this case a distillate of particular French white wines.
A Polish brand of brandy made from plums.
Wine, beer, brandy.
pear brandy is called 'eau-de-vie de poire', often simply shortened in 'poire' in French.
Some popular brand names of vanilla liqueur include Licor 43, Navan, and Va-lla.
No, there has not been a hurricane named Brandy. Hurricane names are predetermined, and the World Meteorological Organization selects names from a rotating list.
the answer is Marc - it is a form of pomace brandy