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There are five Girl Guide organizations in Sweden.

For The Guide and Scout Organization of the Mission Covenant Youth the age level for ages 7 to 9 is called Nying Guide.

Other organization age levels are Beaver Guides for ages 6 to 7 and Minor Guides for ages 8 to 9.

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The age groups/levels for Girl Scouts and Girl Guides vary with each country, so it is difficult to give an exact answer.

The closest levels to GSUSA Brownies would be:

Minior Guide ages 8-9

Beaver Guide ages 6-7

(not all units have Beaver Guides)

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Q: What are Brownie Girl Scouts called in Sweden?
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Is Lupetta or wolf cub the name used for Brownie Scouts in Sweden?

It was, until 1960 when the boy scouts and girl guides merged into the same organization

What country calls its Brownie Girl Scouts Beaver Guide?

The term "Beaver Scout" is generally used by Boy Scouts for the age group from 5 to 7. When Girl Guide/Girl Scout associations become co-ed with the Boy Scouts, the youngest group may become known as Beaver Scouts. Countries which use this term for girls are: Sweden Netherlands Belgium

What levels of girl scouts do they have in Sweden?

Sweden, as a rule, hasn't got separate branches of Scouting. Usually, both boys and girls participate in the same events, together. A girl is a "Flicka" and a scout is a scout.

What are Girl Scouts called in Sweden?

In Sweden today there are five scouts associations. Girl member organizations are all called Girl Guides. However, since the organizations are co-ed, everyone is called a scout, whether it is a he or a she. The Swedish Guide and Scout Association (SSF) The Guide and Scout Organization of the Mission Covenant Youth of Sweden (SMU-scout) The Swedish YMCA-YWCA Guide and Scout Association The Temperance Guide and Scout Association (NSF) The Salvation Army Guide and Scout Association (FA) Age groups: Senior Guide 15-18 (called Ranger Guide by the Swedish YWCA-YMCA Guides and Scouts) Guide 12-14 Junior Guide 10-11 Minior Guide 8-9 Beaver Guide 6-7 (not all units have Beaver Guides)

Do they sell girl scout cookies in South Africa?

Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is very likely that Swedish Girl Guides do not sell cookies. No information about cookie sales is available on the Swedish Girl Guides web site (Scouterna). However, members of USA Girl Scouts Overseas sell cookies as members of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and may be selling cookies in Sweden.

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Is pouli the name used for brownie girl scout?

No, "Pouli" is not the name used for Brownie Girl Scouts. Brownie Girl Scouts are a level of the Girl Scouts of the USA program for girls in grades 2-3. "Pouli" does not have any known association with the Girl Scouts organization.

What are Brownie Girl Scouts called in Yemen?

Brownie Girl scouts in Yemen is called Zahrat.

Where are brownie Girl Scouts called brownie guides?

Girl Guides in Sweden have an age group called Minor or Minior Guides. Ghana may have used the term in the past, but their youngest level is currently called 'Huhuwa Guides' according to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts web site

Where are Brownie Girl Guides Girl Scouts called Lechwe Guides?

Brownie girl scouts are called Lechwe guide in Zambia. The lechwe is a species of brown antelope found only in Zambia.

What country calls its brownie Girl Scouts pouli?

Girl scouts are called Pouli in Greece.

Where are brownie Girl Scouts called wolf cubs?


Is Lupetta or wolf cub the name used for Brownie Scouts in Sweden?

It was, until 1960 when the boy scouts and girl guides merged into the same organization

Where are Brownie Girl Scouts called Minor Guides?

Girl Guides in Sweden have an age group called Minor or Minior Guides. Ghana may have used the term in the past, but their youngest level is currently called 'Huhuwa Guides' according to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts web site

In what country do they call Brownie Girl Scouts by the name of Beaver Guides?

In Belgium, Girl Guides ages 5 to 8 are called Castor which translates to Beaver. In Sweden, Girl Guides, ages 6-7 are called Beaver Guide.

What is a group of Brownie Guides called?

Depending on the national organization, Brownie Guide or Girl Scout groups are called Packs, Troops, Groups, or Companies. Smaller groups of Brownie Guides or Girl Scouts are called Patrols or Sixes.

Where are Brownie Girl Scouts called Ananse Guides?

The Ghana Girl Guides Association calls ages 7 to 10 Ananse Guides or Brownie Guides.

Where are Brownie Girl Scouts called Butterfly?

Girl Guides Association of Cyprus Age level 7 to 9 is Butterfly