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big time rush fans are called rushers

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Q: What are Big Time Rush fans called?
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Related questions

Is Big Time Rush nice or mean?

Big Time Rush is Really Nice They Actually love their fans :)

When is Big Time Rush touring?

Most Big Time Rush fans know that they will be touring the summer of 2011 and some venues and events

Does big time rush love their fans then why dont they give out their phone numbers?

Yes big time rush loves their fans. THey just dont want to give out their phone numbers to their fans because they dont want them to keep calling them.

What is Big Time Rush new CD called?

big time rush btr

How many fans like James from Big Time Rush?

bout a quater

Do the Big Time Rush boys wear sillybandz?

Yeah(: they even exchange with fans!

Did Big Time Rush sing with Jordan Sparks?

Yes, Jordin Sparks was in an episode of Big Time Rush called, "Big Time Sparks". She does sing a song with them called, "Count On You". You can buy it on iTunes and it is on the Big Time Rush C.D.

What is the name of second episode in Big Time Rush?

The second episode if Big Time Rush was called Big Time School of Rocque.

How many albums of Big Time Rush?

2 so far. The first is called Big Time Rush, the second is called Elevate.

What is Big Time Rush's Theme Song name?

Believe it or not, it's called Big Time Rush (Theme).

What is the new Big Time Rush movie called?

big time movie

How many more big time rush fans are there than one direction fans?

Well, in twitter and Facebook more than five million people follow/like One Direction more than Big Time Rush. But those five million people don't know what they're doing, Big Time Rush is obviously better than One Direction.