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the bilby and kowari live in the Simpson desert

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Q: What animals are in the Simpson Desert?
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Related questions

What animals can hurt you in the Simpson desert?

Animals considered to be dangerous are snakes and spiders.

What type of desert is the Simpson Desert?

The Simpson Desert is a hot subtropical desert.

Do any people live in the Simpson desert?

Many People believe that Aboriganals live in the Simpson Desert, animals and park rangers live there and also Aboriganals.

Is the Simpson Desert hot?

Yes, the Simpson Desert is a hot desert.

In which country is the Simpson Desert?

The Simpson Desert is in Australia.

In which country is the Simpson Desert found?

The Simpson Desert is located in Australia.

Is there a Simpson Desert in Asia?

No. There is no desert called the Simpson Desert in Asia, only in Australia, where it is the fourth largest desert.

Is the Simpson Desert the biggest desert ever?

No, Antarctica is the largest desert. The Simpson Desert is only the 19th largest desert in the World.

How are the people in Simpson desert related to Australian desert?

people in simpson desert are more northern than australia desert

What continent is the Simpson Desert in?

The Simpson Desert is located in Australia, which is a continent and a country itself. It is the fourth-largest desert on the Australian continent.

How many insects live in the Simpson Desert?

their are a variate of insects in the Simpson desert

On what continent is the Simpson Desert located?

The Simpson Desert is located on the Australian continent.