By the 1850s, hemp had become the third largest agricultural crop grown in North America.
African violets can be grown all year round in the house using flourescent lights or a North window.
Sugar is one of the important cash crops in the Caribbean. Citrus crops including grapefruits and oranges as well as bananas are grown in the Caribbean.
soil is located in the agricultural purposes
African violets are grown to show as a single crowned specemin in standard, large, miniature sizes. There are also trailing multiple crowned varieties. African violets are very much, full of liquid.
Not in the agricultural sense. It is a rock essentially.
The weight for an average, full grown African forest elephant is 3 tons.
No one knows because baby African elephants are notoriousle self conscious about their weight
The average weight of an adult African forest elephant is 3 tons. The average weight of an adult African bush elephant is 6-1/2 tons.
Male African elephants stand at around 10 to 13 feet tall at their shoulder and weigh between 10000 to 13000 pounds Female African elephants stand at around 7.2 to 8.5 feet tall at their shoulder and weigh between 4500 to 7000 pounds. The African forest elephant is smaller than the African bush elephant, males standing nine feet tall, and weigh around three tons.
Yes, they do weight a lot. The weight of an average, full grown Asian elephant is 3 tons. The weight of an average, full grown African forest elephant is 3 tons. The weight of an average, full grown African bush elephant is 6-1/2 tons.
The average weight of a full grown Asian elephant is 3 tons. The average weight of a full grown African forest elephant is 3 tons. The average weight of an African bush elephant is 6-1/2 tons.
Bauxite is not a plant or agricultural product that is grown. It is a rock mineral that is mined from the earth's crust. Bauxite is the primary source of aluminum and is mainly formed through weathering of aluminum-rich rocks in tropical or subtropical regions.
Cotton is the most important agricultural crop grown in the Rio Grand Valley.
An agricultural biodiversity is a subset of general biodiversity, involving commercially grown crops.