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Child Support Age-At what age does child support stop and what steps need to be taken to bring this about?

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Does child support continue for a part time student?


Can child support be taken away if child age of 17 gets a part time job in Texas?

If the child is providing more than 50% of his or her financial support, child support will end in Texas. If not, a 17-year-old's job will have no effect on child support amounts.

Birth of another child affecting child support?

Yes, the birth of another child may affect child support. A filing should be made to recalculate the support amount based on this change of circumstance. Added: In Delaware, for example, parents are given a 'credit' for other minor children they are supporting that are not part of the filing. So, while the right to support may not be affected, the amount of support may be. Generally, the older child's right to support is not diminished by the birth of subsequent children.

Can the state use BAH to calculate child support?

Yes the state can use BAH (a military term for "Basic Allowance for Housing) to calculate child support since it is a part of your gross income. This is standard.

How do you make an ex boyfriend either sign over his rights to the children he never sees or pay child support?

He already did. Usually, termination of parental rights occurs either preparatory to an adoption, or as the result of a trial in which the parent is found to be unfit. To get child support, you first need an order for support, issued either by the courts or the child support agency in your State. That's the easy part. If you're having trouble collecting, contact your State's child support agency (even if the ex lives elsewhere). Be polite but persistent.

Related questions

Can a father paying child support be forced to supply health insurance for the child?

If you are capable of providing health insurance for your child and the other parent can not for what ever reason then yes, you can be required to provide coverage. Child support is supposed to be support to cover the expenses for the child divided between the parents. Clearly the child needs a health insurance. The cost can be a part of the child support or be added. Both parents have a obligation to make sure the child can get care. Usually child support only covers a smaller part of what a child's expenses are, not 50/50. Each state has child support guidelines that take health insurance costs into consideration.

Does child support change if the child is employeed?

No. Child support is an obligation of a parent. The child is not obligated to contribute to their own support. An industrious child who works part time is not then burdened by her/his non-custodial parents child support obligation.No. Child support is an obligation of a parent. The child is not obligated to contribute to their own support. An industrious child who works part time is not then burdened by her/his non-custodial parents child support obligation.No. Child support is an obligation of a parent. The child is not obligated to contribute to their own support. An industrious child who works part time is not then burdened by her/his non-custodial parents child support obligation.No. Child support is an obligation of a parent. The child is not obligated to contribute to their own support. An industrious child who works part time is not then burdened by her/his non-custodial parents child support obligation.

When a child is a part time student do you still have to pay child support?

If you are supposed to pay child support, the fact that the child is earning money from two jobs, has nothing to do with child support. Child support is paid to the person looking after the child to help support your child!

Does child support deducts from your part time job?

child support deducts from your monthly incom buddy

What is the law regarding grandparents insurance policy if the grandson is deceased and owes child support in Texas?

If question refers to whether or not the insurance benefit is subject to seizure for child support arrearages. If that is the case, the answer would be yes. Any monies garnered from the insurance benefit that belongs to the obligated parent would be subject to garnishment for child support arrearages. If the named beneficiary of the insurance benefit is deceased and the grandparent(s) are still living, they can legally have the policy amended and another beneficiary named. In that case the monies would not be a part of the deceased grandson's estate and not subject to probate action nor distribution for his debts.

Does child support continue for a part time student?


Can child support take away my check from work?

They can take part of it. In fact, most child support is paid through withholding.

What is a support agreement?

It is what the phrase implies: an agreement between the parents regarding support and, often, related matters such as health insurance, child care costs and visitation. Such agreement should be in writing and must be made part of a court order to be enforceable.

Can child support be taken away if child age of 17 gets a part time job in Texas?

If the child is providing more than 50% of his or her financial support, child support will end in Texas. If not, a 17-year-old's job will have no effect on child support amounts.

Is child support part of your gross in income when filing bankrupsy?


What if the child is 18 but is part time in high school. do you still pay child support for that child?

Child support continues as long as the child is still a dependent; this includes school and university, regardless of age.

Is peninsular life insurance company apart of liberty national life insurance company?

yes peninsular became part of liberty national of alabama in june of 1985