Minors are not allowed to make that decision, if the parents cannot reach an agreement concerning custody the issue will be decided by a judge. Judges make such decisions based solely on what is in the best interest of the child and not what the child, the parents, nor any interested party prefers. Usually at the age of 12, a child will have more say in the eyes of a judge
The age of consent for input in the legal system is age 12. However, just because a child wants to live with the other parent and is willing to say so in court, is not enough to change custody. There has to be a serious change in circumstances. IE the other parent is not providing for the child, they have become unemployed, they are abusive, they are abusing drugs/alcohol, they have been involved with CPS, the child is failing in school, the child keeps running away, the child is having violent outburts, etc. Even then though the judge is still not allowed by law to change the custody just because the kid doesn't want to live with that parent anymore. They are simply to take the childs wishes "under consideration". Most do change custody, however, if there is a change in circumstances and the child is expressing a will to change custody as well. If the reason is he/she just wants to live with you and you want them to live with you its unlikely to happen.
Only Indiana and Texas has laws setting out a specific age at which a child can make a choice the court is requiredto abide by, and even than there are some limitations. With those states, it is age 14. In all other states, the general rule of thumb is that a 12 year old can express and opinion, however the judge is under not legal obligation to consider, or even hear it. In either case, a motion to the court must be filed for a determination to be made. However, the child should be informed that there are alternatives to choosing to live with just one parent. The child should also be advised they can express a choice that they remain in one home and each parent can live with them for a designated period of time, than switch. This is called Bird Nest Custody.
Check link below for more info.18
Dorothy throws water on the wicked witch of the west. However, they never use Dorothy's name in the musical (I assume for copyright reasons). They just say "a small child" threw water on the wicked witch.
Broom-Hilda or Wendy the Good Little Witch .
Catch cold is an idiom from the book.
Sabrina the teenage witch lool
If the parents are divorced then it is between the parents if the child can go live with the other parent. At age 14 the child can choose witch parent he/she wont's to live with. If that other parent is not willing to let the child go live with that parent then it can be taken to court or just wait till the child is 18 and can go live on it's own.
not without court approval see link
Yes an 18 year old can because none controls you exsept you! X
You have to prove your case and convince the court.
yup that can happen by time travle. if the female was left alone with her own grandchild & never was pregnant with her child & the futune child become a parent & sent their child in the past before the parent mother was pregnant & the parent give their child to their mother before she become pregnant with them & than the parent mother never become pregnant with them & she was left alone with her non-exist child their child witch it is her grandchild & she become a grandmother with out giving birth to her child that did't exist at that time before she did't get pregnant & die never give birth to non-exist child who the grandchild parent never exist in time & it was just grandchild & the grandmother.
It was Edmund.
Burger for me.
yes it can pass
Washington D.C is NOT a state!
No. It is genetic and inherited from parent to child It is also X linked witch means that men pass it to daughters and women have a 50% chance of passing the mutation on to any children
Technically she is a muggle born witch. Her parents are muggles. (: