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Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause pain, injury, or other physical suffering or harm. Basic forms include: * striking * punching * pushing, pulling * pinching * kicking * having someone fall * strangling * drowning * sleep deprivation * exposure to cold, freezing * exposure to heat or radiation, burning * exposure to electric shock * placing in "stress positions" (tied or otherwise forced) * cutting or otherwise exposing somebody to something sharp * exposure to a dangerous animal * throwing or shooting a projectile * exposure to a toxic substance * infecting with a disease

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18y ago
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17y ago

Actually, abuse comes in many forms. Physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, etc. Basically, if your partner is doing something to you that you do not like (even after your attempts to communicate how you feel about this behavior), then it is abusive to you. Any form of violence, repeated threats, constantly monitoring your whereabouts, repeated accusations of betrayal.... the list is way to long to post here. If you feel like you are being abused, then you are. hitting,spancking,throwing,smacking,yelling very loudly in the ear

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Is physical abuse in the saw movies?

Oh yeah, most of SAW has physical abuse.

What are emotional signs of child abuse?

Emotional signs of child abuse are sometimes harder to pick up on than physical signs. Lack of trust and fear of adults, feelings of being unworthy and not being able to control emotions and emotional reactions are typical signs of child abuse.

Is beating a child illegal?

Beating children is abuse. The types of abuse are physical, emotional, mental, and sexual. Threats probably fall under the emotional or mental catogories.

Is there a relationship between abusive and alcoholic personalities?

Yes, there is a strong correlation between substance abuse, rckless behaviors, and abusive conduct. Hi! Oh, definitely. Even if the person comes from a home where there is alcohol abuse and that person doesn't even really drink! But because they witnessed the abuse that goes along with the drinking. I believe it is called "dry alcoholic". But if the person in the relationship is abusive and also an alcoholic, definitely there is a relationship. They drink because they are trying to anesthesize their pain. Yes! Often abusers abuse alcohol/drugs to "deal" with their problems. They might even blame you for their drinking/drug use, or at least my abuser did. "If you did/didn't do this/that I wouldn't have to drink to feel better!" Ugh.

What should be done to combat relationship abuse in south Africa?

we must make sure that the polices are every where to cotrol what is going on and make sure that everyone is okay

Related questions

What is the one thing you DO NOT tolerate in a relationship?

physical/emotional abuse lies infidelity

How can someone be affected in drug abuse?

There are many possible negative effects from the abuse of drugs, including physical, financial, relationship, occupational, health, etc.

Can emotional abuse turn physical how long does it take before the abuse gets physical?

Yes. Most physical abusers are first emotionally abusive. Some never physically abuse, but remain emotionally abusive, or recognize the problem and get help. There is no time line of when the abuse will or will not escalate to physical abuse. Abuse, no matter what form it is in, should not be accepted or tolerated.

What can domestic violence invlclude?

psychological and emotional abuse physical attacks sexual assault

What term do citizens use to describe a wide range of practices by police from verbal abuse to physical violence?

Police brutality.

How can physical abuse?

define the following types of abuse. physical abuse, sexual abuse , emotional abuse, financial abuse, institutional abuse, self neglect ,and neglect by others.

Signs and symptoms of danger harm and abuse?

They come in the form of physical, emotional, sexual abuses. Physical abuse is deliberately causing physical harm. Emotional abuse is where repeated verbal threats, criticism, ridicule, shouting, lack of love and affection causes a severe adverse effect on a child's emotional development. Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities.

How many victims die of relationship abuse?

About 80,000 people die of relationship abuse a year.

Is physical abuse in the saw movies?

Oh yeah, most of SAW has physical abuse.

How often is Elder abuse physical?

1 in 7 cases involve physical abuse

Is slapping a teenager and swearing at teenager abuse?

It is Verbal and Physical abuse. Verbal Abuse is considered with the swearing while the physical is the slapping.

Does anger abuse lead to physical abuse?

yes it can. It all depends on the person. If he/she gets so angry it can lead into physical abuse.