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Modest is one of 25 natures that Pokémon can have; each Pokémon has a nature, and each only has one. Which nature it has affects its stats slightly. Modest increases its Special Attack and decreases its Attack. It also affects which type of berry a Pokémon likes; if you give your modest Pokémon a Dry berry, it will become happier, and if you give it a Spicy berry, it will like you less. For more information, see

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Q: What Pokemon nature breeds with a modest nature?
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Related questions

What are the routes for a modest nature Pokemon for shiny leafs?

any Pokemon can have a modest nature. and your Pokemon doesnt need a modest nature to pick up a shiny leaf, that's just random.

If your Pokemon has a naughty nature what is the cheat to change its nature to become modest in Pokemon sapphire?

attack but lowers sp def

What is the best nature for feebas to evolve in Pokemon sapphire?

Modest is really great!

Can you please give me a code for Pokemon platinum US that changes the nature of a Pokemon you alrady caught to modest please?

You can't change nature once you've caught a Pokemon. I suggest recatching the same Pokemon with the nature codes ON.

How do you evolve feebas in Pokemon Sapphire?

the only way to evolve it is to have the feebas at a high BEAUTY status for Pokemon contests. and the best way to do this is to have a feebas with a MODEST nature.

What is the best nature for a Pokemon?

The best nature for a Pokemon depends on its individual stats and the role it plays in battle. Generally, Adamant and Modest natures are popular choices for physical and special attackers, respectively. It's important to consider the specific Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses before selecting a nature to maximize its potential.

What nature should Cyndaquil be?

it should be modest nature or calm nature

Do wild Pokemon with synchronize copy your lead PokΓ©mon's nature?

So I decided to check on this, and I sent out a Modest Psyduck until i found the ralts i wanted, and the answer is yes, it is NOT A GUARANTEE, but the 50% thing that goes with synchronize works with the wild Pokemon too. I caught a modest Ralts within minues

Do you have to downlaod Pokemon on Pokemon Battle Revolution?

No just go to Pokemon Storage and Click Copy Pokemon for DS Pokemon that are Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver. After beating the game you can put in to codes in you Profile to get Modest Nature Magmortar for Free and a Adamant Nature Electivire for Free Modest boost Magmortar Special Attack everytime it level up even more it has 125 Base Special Attack. Adamant boost Elective Attack everytime it level up even more it has 123 Base Attack.

What is the best Pokemon team with legends?

Celebi @ Leftovers Nature: Timid/Modest Calm Mind Psychic Leech Seed Heal Bell No need for recover

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What is best nature for Anorith?

Probley Brave or Modest