jiggilypuff evoles to a wigglytuff but you need to migrate the Pokemon
Clefairy is the only Pokemon in pearl that evolves with a moon stone but once you get the national dex you can evolve Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina & Skitty
the Pokemon that evolve with a moon stone can be found on this website along with their move sets and other useful information about Pokemon black, white, etc. www.serebii.net<------------i can never figure that website out but heres one pokemon i know hat evolves with the moonstone: munna
Three pokemon evolve using the shiny stone now:Togetic evolves into TogekissRoselia evolves into RoseradeMinccino evolves into Cinccino2 Pokemon evolve from a shiny stone Togitic-TogekissRoselia-Roserade
Growlithe evolves into Arcanine by using a Fire Stone. Gloom evolves into Bellossom by using a Sun Stone. Happiny evolves into Chansey while holding an Oval Stone (between 4am and 7:59pm only). Clefairy evolves into Clefable by using a Moon Stone. Shellder evolves into Cloyster by using a Water Stone. Skitty evolves into Delcatty by using a Moon Stone. Exeggcute evovles into Exeggutor by using a Leaf Stone. Eevee evolves into Flareon by using a Fire Stone. Kirlia(male only) evolves into Gallade by using a Dawn Stone. Murkrow evovles into Honchkrow by using a Dusk Stone. Eevee evolves into Jolteon using a Thunder Stone. Lombre evovles into Ludicolo by using a Water Stone. Misdreavus evolves into Mismagius by using a Dusk Stone. Nidorino evolves into Nidoking by using a Moon Stone. Nidorina evolves into Nidoqueen by using a Moon Stone. Vulpix evolves into Ninetales by using a Fire Stone. Poliwhirl evolves into Poliwrath by using a Water Stone. Pikachu evolves into Raichu by using a Thunder Stone. Roselia evolves into Roserade by using a Shiny Stone. Nuzleaf evovles into Shiftry by using a Leaf Stone. Staryu evolves into Starmie by using a Water Stone. Sunkern evolves into Sunflora by using a Sun Stone. Togetic evolves into Togekiss by using a Shiny Stone. Eevee evolves into Vaporeon by using a Water Stone. Weepinbell evolves into Victreebel by using a Leaf Stone. Gloom evolves into Vileplume by using a Leaf Stone. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff by using a Moon Stone. Note: this may be subject to change as new games are released from Satores
Nidorino doesn't evolve by level it evolves by moon stone
The following Pokemon can be evolved using a Moon Stone: Nidorina evolves into Nidoqueen using a Moon Stone. Nidorino evolves into Nidoking using a Moon Stone. Clefairy evolves into Clefable using a Moon Stone. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff using a Moon Stone. Skitty evolves into Delcatty using a Moon Stone. Munna evolves into Musharna using a Moon Stone.
evolves certain pokemon
Nidorino only evolves with the usage of a Moon Stone. Nidorino only evolves with the usage of a Moon Stone. Nidorino only evolves with the usage of a Moon Stone. Nidorino only evolves with the usage of a Moon Stone.
Clefairy is the only Pokemon in pearl that evolves with a moon stone but once you get the national dex you can evolve Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina & Skitty
in Pokemon black munna evolves using the moon stone but be careful because it wont learn any moves after you evolve it
i know ov 3 Pokemon that evolve from moon stone they are nidorina which evolves into a nidoqueen i think and nidorino evolves into nidoking and clefairy evolves into clefable
It evolves certain Pokemon such as Jigglypuff and Nidorina.
Skitty evolves into Delcatty through the use of a Moon Stone in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.
clefairy, into clefable
It evolves by giving it a Moon Stone.