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jiggilypuff evoles to a wigglytuff but you need to migrate the Pokemon

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Q: What Pokemon evolves with a moon stone?
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What Pokemon evolves from the moon stone in Pokemon Pearl?

Clefairy is the only Pokemon in pearl that evolves with a moon stone but once you get the national dex you can evolve Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina & Skitty

What Pokemon can you use a moon stone on in Pokemon black?

the Pokemon that evolve with a moon stone can be found on this website along with their move sets and other useful information about Pokemon black, white, etc.<------------i can never figure that website out but heres one pokemon i know hat evolves with the moonstone: munna

What Pokemon evolve using the shiny stone?

Three pokemon evolve using the shiny stone now:Togetic evolves into TogekissRoselia evolves into RoseradeMinccino evolves into Cinccino2 Pokemon evolve from a shiny stone Togitic-TogekissRoselia-Roserade

What Pokemon evolve with stones?

Growlithe evolves into Arcanine by using a Fire Stone. Gloom evolves into Bellossom by using a Sun Stone. Happiny evolves into Chansey while holding an Oval Stone (between 4am and 7:59pm only). Clefairy evolves into Clefable by using a Moon Stone. Shellder evolves into Cloyster by using a Water Stone. Skitty evolves into Delcatty by using a Moon Stone. Exeggcute evovles into Exeggutor by using a Leaf Stone. Eevee evolves into Flareon by using a Fire Stone. Kirlia(male only) evolves into Gallade by using a Dawn Stone. Murkrow evovles into Honchkrow by using a Dusk Stone. Eevee evolves into Jolteon using a Thunder Stone. Lombre evovles into Ludicolo by using a Water Stone. Misdreavus evolves into Mismagius by using a Dusk Stone. Nidorino evolves into Nidoking by using a Moon Stone. Nidorina evolves into Nidoqueen by using a Moon Stone. Vulpix evolves into Ninetales by using a Fire Stone. Poliwhirl evolves into Poliwrath by using a Water Stone. Pikachu evolves into Raichu by using a Thunder Stone. Roselia evolves into Roserade by using a Shiny Stone. Nuzleaf evovles into Shiftry by using a Leaf Stone. Staryu evolves into Starmie by using a Water Stone. Sunkern evolves into Sunflora by using a Sun Stone. Togetic evolves into Togekiss by using a Shiny Stone. Eevee evolves into Vaporeon by using a Water Stone. Weepinbell evolves into Victreebel by using a Leaf Stone. Gloom evolves into Vileplume by using a Leaf Stone. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff by using a Moon Stone. Note: this may be subject to change as new games are released from Satores

What level does nidorino evolve evovle nidorino on Pokemon diamond?

Nidorino doesn't evolve by level it evolves by moon stone

Related questions

What Pokemon can you evolve with a moonstone?

The following Pokemon can be evolved using a Moon Stone: Nidorina evolves into Nidoqueen using a Moon Stone. Nidorino evolves into Nidoking using a Moon Stone. Clefairy evolves into Clefable using a Moon Stone. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff using a Moon Stone. Skitty evolves into Delcatty using a Moon Stone. Munna evolves into Musharna using a Moon Stone.

What does the moon stone do in pokemon?

evolves certain pokemon

What level does nidorino evovle on Pokemon firered?

Nidorino only evolves with the usage of a Moon Stone. Nidorino only evolves with the usage of a Moon Stone. Nidorino only evolves with the usage of a Moon Stone. Nidorino only evolves with the usage of a Moon Stone.

What Pokemon evolves from the moon stone in Pokemon Pearl?

Clefairy is the only Pokemon in pearl that evolves with a moon stone but once you get the national dex you can evolve Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina & Skitty

What Pokemon evolves using a moon stone in Pokemon Black?

in Pokemon black munna evolves using the moon stone but be careful because it wont learn any moves after you evolve it

Which Pokemon evolves if you use a moon stone on it?


Who evolves from a moon stone?

i know ov 3 Pokemon that evolve from moon stone they are nidorina which evolves into a nidoqueen i think and nidorino evolves into nidoking and clefairy evolves into clefable

What does a moon stone do in Pokemon?

It evolves certain Pokemon such as Jigglypuff and Nidorina.

What Pokemon evolves using a moon stone in Pokemon soulsilver?


What Pokemon evolve with the moon stone in Pokemon Ruby?

Skitty evolves into Delcatty through the use of a Moon Stone in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.

What Pokemon evolves using a moon stone on Pokemon platinum?

clefairy, into clefable

How do you evolve munna in Pokemon?

It evolves by giving it a Moon Stone.