i think that you need a wailord and relikanth but im not sure so i hope i helped
You need to have all 3 regis and go to the snowpoint temple.
Regigigas is Pokemon #486 on Pokemon Platinum. To get it, go to the Snowpoint Temple with Regirock, Registeel, and Regice.
yes, you can. first you will need to catch regigigas in the snowpoint temple by migrating ohter regis then i think he is in mt. coronet in the room where you get the nevermeltice.
you cant because the only Pokemon gmes you can get them on withot cheating are the ranger games so you have to migrate or cheat.
Answer: You need the three Regis in your party and go to Snowpoint Temple. You need the three Regis (Regirock, Rigice, Registeel) in your party, first of all. Then, head to Snowpoint City. North, there is Snowpoint Temple. Head inside and get to the bottom. Solve the ice puzzle and then 'talk' to it. You then can fight it. It is level 70 and it is Normal type. There is one and it is a Sinnoh pokemon.
national pokedex
No, they will need to be traded.
because relicath is a ancient Pokemon that holds a special ability that awaken the regis
When you need to find the the ruby and sapphire, when you need to find the regis...
Actually you're wrong you can NOT get the regis in Pokemon diamond, to get the regis you need Pokemon ruby/Sapphire/emerald you can get all three regis there(regi ice, regi steel, regi rock) althought if you migrate all of the regis onto Pokemon diamond you can get regi gigas(king regi) you will find him in the snowpoint temple after beating the elite four. Thanks hope i helped ^.^
no you do not just the Pokemon relicanth and wailord.
you could only get regice you have to get the skull fossil and if you need the other regis you have to migrate'em or have action replay
Yes, you do need all 3 Regis (Regice, Regirock and Registeel) in order to awaken Regigigas in the Snowpoint Temple. They must be with you when you awaken Regigigas.but then again it says you need regigigas to awaken the three regis.so you need to get the three regis from a gameboy advance Pokemon game.
You need to get the special movie Regigigas.
no you dont you just need a relicanth and a wailord