you get the dowsing machine from dawn or lucas after beating the team galactic in eterna city
Talk to the poketech guy in jublife city who is inside the poketech building. If you have won the fourth gym badge, he will give you the marking map app.
there is a poketech app that shows you what lvl your poke is at the daycare. not sure where to get it. look on a poketech app walkthrough
u get it in a house just outside hearthrome (route 208)
You must have the Downsing app for your poketech. u must use it to find it. it will be by the exit of the first hotel from, route 213, or south.
i have pokemon pearl but if its like it then you go to Hearthome city go outside and theres a house with 3 people in it. the man will give you a free berry evry day the little girl will give you a poketech app and the woman will give you the mulch i am a pokemon addict so i knew so i didnt check but i think im right hope it helped :D
it app for
Talk to the poketech guy in jublife city who is inside the poketech building. If you have won the fourth gym badge, he will give you the marking map app.
App is not an item, it is those things that you put into youir poketch, such as the marking map.
I am thinking you get it from the poketech company. correct me if i am wrong
There are a lot in the Poketech Company in Jubilife City, a woman gives you a Poketech App in the Pal Park, and a woman gives an App to you in the Jubilife City Condos.
You must have 7 badges then talk to the president of the poketech company in jubilife city and he will give you the app
yes, but it takes a while, and use the poketech app that allows you to track Pokemon
Get the berry app on your Poketech by vusiting the Poketech lab in Jubelife City
You find it by walking around into different towns and it will show you where it is on an app on your poketech.
you go to fullmoon island, then cressilia will appear, then dissappear. USe the poketech app Marking Map (poketech building) to track him down. REMEMBER, you MUST use MEAN LOOK as soon as you encounter him. Happy catching!
You can get it from the PokeTech App place in Jubilife City.
The stopwatch app can only be obtained through a special Nintendo event. You can't obtain it through regular gameplay.