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D. Foreign merchants introduced Buddhism to northern China.

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Q: What NOT a factor that facilitated the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads?
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What are the resaults of the silk road?

The silk road was a huge part of our world history it spread many new ideas and innovations it spread Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam as well as other religions it made many civilizations rich and developed silk roads also spread goods from one civilization to the next such as silk from china and spices from India but the silk road also cause diseases such as measles and black plague to spread and wipe out civilizations.

A major result of trade along the silk roads was?

The spread of democracy of china

How did the silk roads help spread buddishm?

Siddhartha Gautama (c. 563-483 BC), the founder of Buddhism, was born a wealthy prince in northeastern India (map 2). Renouncing worldly trappings and achieving enlightenment, or nirvana, he became known as the Buddha (the Enlightened). Gautama lived at a time of great religious ferment in India, and Buddhism was one of a number of sects that aimed to reform Hinduism. Another, more extreme, reform movement was Jainism, whose asceticism was a reaction to the rigid ritualism of Hinduism.While Buddhist missionaries taught the Buddhist principles many took the religion with them and spread it. Buddhism shared with Hinduism the belief in the cycle of rebirth, but differed in the way in which escape from the cycle could be achieved. Indeed the appearance of Buddhism stimulated a resurgence in Hinduism, which may be why Buddhism failed to take a permanent hold in India.credits to

Why are there few Pucca roads in the desert?

Pucca roads - roads paved with asphalt - are expensive to construct. They are constructed in areas with a lot of traffic. Many desert roads have little vehicle use so are not worth the expense and effort.

Uprajpal of pandey cheri?

This black roads that have been blacklisted. These roads are located in India.

Related questions

The exchange of silks and spices and the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are examples of?

cultural diffusion

How did Buddhism spread beyound India?

Merchants spread it by the silk roads. At first, it didn't appeal to the chinese, but starting around the year 500 A.D, emperors began to accept Buddhism in China. From China it spread elsewhere, like Japan. You also spelled beyond wrong.

What religions were traded on the silk roads?


Good roads were essential to the success of the Roman Empire because?

They facilitated the movement of security forces.

Three things Roman roads did for Roman Empire?

The roads made troop movements more efficient, trade was quicker and easier, and communications and travel were facilitated.

What was the political influence of Buddhism in the Tang Empire?

the political influence of Buddhism in the tang empire was the silk roads

Why did rome build roads?

Rome built roads to get from here to there as fast as possible. The initial roads were for the military as they facilitated troop movement. Civilians soon began using them and the Roman roads became the arteries of the empire as troops, trade and travel moved along them.

Two conditions in the empire that helped early Christians to spread the Gospel were well established?

Two conditions that helped the spread of the Gospel were (1) the excellent Roman roads, which facilitated travel, and (2) the Pax Romanum, or the Peace of Rome, which was the absence of wars enforced by the armed might of the Roman Empire.

What happened after Asoka became a Buddhist.?

After Asoka became a buddhist he swore that he would not launch any more wars of conquest, he concofroted on improving the lives of his people, and he had wells dug and roads built throughtout the empire ,He also encouraged the spread od Buddhism in India and rest of Asia

How did the silk roads aid in the spreadof Buddhism?

Two monks named Moton and Chufarlan went to China in 67 CE using the "Silk Road". This was the introduction of Buddhism to China The silk road helped spread Buddhism, by cultural diffusion. When buddhists would travel the silk road to trade goods and suplies, Buddhist teachings would be passed on!

How did roads contribute to the empire's success?

Roads facilitated communication between the various parts of the vast Roman Empire. This facilitated general travel, the transport for goods for trade and the journeys of officials and state messengers to the provinces of the empire. About 20% of the enormous road network of the Roman Empire were the famous stone-paved roads. These had military purposes. They speeded up the movement of troops and made the transport of supplies to the solders stationed in garrisons or at the front of wars easier.

What did Asoka do during the time he ruled?

He started a series of campaigns to conquest the territories nearby, but he stopped wars when he converted to Buddhism. He made Buddhism a state religion and sent out missionaries to Syria and Ceylon to spread the new faith. He paved roads for tourists to roam the country. He also wrote edicts on large stone pillars and placed them throughout the land.