Loads I'll put them in order. Helix Dragonoid, Lumino Dragonoid, Blitx Dragonoid, Dragonoid Colossus, Titanium Dragonoid
Yes, Quake Dragonoid is a Super Assult Gundailian Invaders Bakugan. It is used to 'evolve' an existing Bakugan (Dragonoid) and you can skip your turn to replace your Bakugan with it. It does NOT count as one of your three Bakugan.
The most powerful printed G bakugan is Naga, Infinty Dragonoid, and Silent Dragonoid. They all have 1000 Gs.
there is no moltra the bakugan. some people refer to pyro dragonoid as moltra dragonoid. but again, there is no moltra.
the first drago had 400 gpower and the lastest drago lumino drago has 870 your forgetting about titenaum drago i think his is also 870 but i got a pyrus one with 800 g and a darkus titenaum drago with 870 g
only if it is wavern,naga or neo dragonoid.
pyrus commandix dragonoid
Kind of. They have evolved forms for example Dragonoid turns Delta Dragonoid into Ultimate Dragonoid into the lengendary bakugan INFINITY DRAGONOID
Loads I'll put them in order. Helix Dragonoid, Lumino Dragonoid, Blitx Dragonoid, Dragonoid Colossus, Titanium Dragonoid
The strongest bakugan is Maxus Helios.I`ve been with my best friend one night(NOT A SLEEPOVER)and both of us connected our own bakugan and we didn`t know what the Gpower was. I had to add. I had to count in the hundreds! Fanilly we found the Gpower. Maxus Helios has a lot of Gpower!
Yes, Quake Dragonoid is a Super Assult Gundailian Invaders Bakugan. It is used to 'evolve' an existing Bakugan (Dragonoid) and you can skip your turn to replace your Bakugan with it. It does NOT count as one of your three Bakugan.
Yes, Quake Dragonoid is a Super Assult Gundailian Invaders Bakugan. It is used to 'evolve' an existing Bakugan (Dragonoid) and you can skip your turn to replace your Bakugan with it. It does NOT count as one of your three Bakugan.
No! Pyro Dragonoid is the evolution of Neo Dragonoid in The new Bakugan series: New Vestroia. Infinity Dragonoid appeared when Wayvern gave Ultimate Dragonoid the Infinity Core and became the Ultimate Bakugan! I have every Dragonoid there is (except Infinity Dragonoid)! You're Welcome! The ultimate bakugan brawler, Angelo!
in bakugan pyro dragonoid is the evolved form of neo dragonoid
760g because my Stug came with 760