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The first unofficial version of Casino Royale was in black and white. All other movies are in color.

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15y ago
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12y ago

dr. No of 1962 was in color and was and is a great movie.

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13y ago

On an official basis no James Bond movie was shot in black and white.

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Can you still make black and white movies?

Yes,sin city is in black and white

Which Bond film is partially shot in black and white?

The 2006 Casino Royale began the film in black and white. The 1954 Casino Royale (the first one depicting James Bond as "Jimmy Bond" and as an American agent) was shot entirely in black and white.

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Where movies black and white in the 1900s?

There were black and white movies in the early part of the 1900s. By the 1960s, almost everything was in color. Wizard of Oz was quite startling to open in black and white and switch to color.

Is the 1st pirates of Caribbean in black and white?

No, it is not in black and white. All three movies are shown in colour.

When was colour first used in movies?

Black and white

What movies was not made in black and white?

The Pianist... for Oodles Nearly all modern movies.

Which of these 21st century movies is not predonimantly in black and white?

The Pianist

Why was the world once black and white?

the world technically wasn't black and white. If you are talking about pictures and movies; its because they had not yet invented the technology to put the pictures and movies in color, So the world actually had colors just not movies(:

Should I get a black or white iPod touch?

You should get a black one. The white frame is very distracting when watching movies and videos.

How does this do with black and white movies?

It views nicely but for high quality not that well.Black and white movies are made the same so viewing them are ok at its highest quality

When did ethnicity first appear in movies?

First black and white moview