My team of unbeatables is
1. Empoleon
2. Staraptor
3. Dialga
4. Arceus
5 .Luxray
6. Darkrai
my perferably best team is
Yes, Giratina is the best Pokemon of all because he already beat the best Pokemon, and so far nobody beat him.
the best Pokemon to pick at the start is PIPLUP or CHIMCHAR
It's cool pokemon that can evolve into a bunch of other cool pokemon, but it's far from being the best. It's evolutions aren't the best either.
You can find the bestest,rarest, Pokemon is to go to
Lugia is one of them.
Six Magikarp at level 5 a piece!
Pikachu, Venasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Butterfree, and one of your choosing.
Start out with chimchar, shinx, pacharisu, starly, grass type pokemon, and buizel/any other type of water pokemon.
in my opinion they are rayquaza,ditto,latios,your starter pokemon,aipom and anorith hope i helped
Kyogre groundon raquaza and somewon tell him 3 more
You get six pokemon.
The best team to beat elite 4 in Pokemon firered and leafgreen are the first six Pokemon you caught and trained
golem,steelix,palkia,regirock,machamp,infernape. you might need to trade for golem and machamp.
Your Pokemon Party are the six Pokemon which you take with you
I believe you have to have six Pokemon chosen to migrate them to pal park in Pearl. If you don't have six Pokemon you want to migrate, then catch however many Pokemon you can trade.