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it was a calm and peaceful night before the terrifiying sank began!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Weather on the night of the titanic disaster?
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Did weather contribute the disaster of the titanic?

Yes. The lack of weather did contribute to the disaster of Titanic because typically rough waters slosh against icebergs, making them visible from considerable distances. The night of the sinking there was no turbulence. Sailing that night was like being On a Sea of Glass.

What was the key titanic disaster?

The key Titanic disaster was the ONLY Titanic disaster. Her sinking in the North Atlantic Ocean.

What was the weather like during the titanic?

it was cloudy and dark so night

Did speed contribute to the disaster Titanic?

Many many factors contributed to the disaster of Titanic and speed was only one.

Did the Jesuits cause the Titanic disaster?

No, an iceberg sunk the Titanic.

What was the titanic known for after the disaster?


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What are the release dates for The Titanic Disaster - 2011?

The Titanic Disaster - 2011 was released on: USA: 1 May 2011 (DVD premiere)

What book predicted the disaster of titanic?

No book has precisely predicted the disaster of Titanic but the parallels in "Futility" by Morgan Robertson (1898) are astonishing.

Is the titanic based on a true story?

Certainly, the Titanic disaster of l9l2.

Was the disaster of the Titanic predicted before it happened?


How the survivors of the Titanic felt at the disaster?

They were horrified