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No due to Bureucracy reasons in part from the Greec KAS ( Central Archeological Comitee) and other involving parts from the Greec public, as i had red in a magazine that time. . It was filmend in Malta instead.

Greece has become a very difficult place to film or for any investment in general before the Crisis due to a mass bureocratic system that worhted not the cost to surpass.

However things seem to change now asthe KAS has becomend much more flexible seeing the effects of last decades stance. It allowed the filming of a new Holywood film in Crete KNOSOS with 100% of votes from his members

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Q: Was the movie troy filmed in Greece?
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The site of troy is in Turkey and it is exactly 8,895 miles from Greece. Answer The site of Troy is, indeed, in Turkey, and is just across the Aegean Sea from Greece. From the northernmost part of ancient, Mycenaean Greece to Troy is about 190-200 miles by sea.

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Skopelos, an island in Greece.

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Is troy in Greece?

No. Troy was situated on the mouth of the Dardanelles in present day Turkey. It was attacked by Greece , supposedly because Paris of Troy had abducted a Greek queen.