The Great Pyramid use to be covered with a coating of limestone tile. Most of this has been removed to make walls and buildings for later structures. This is the noticeable cap left on the pyramid, the remains of the last of the limestone tile.
Chevrolet has never built a 4wd Corvette at the factory. But there have been some Corvette's that have been modified to 4wd.
No. There was a squash court which could have been modified with a tennis net but it would have been too small for a proper tennis court.
There are not yet any plans to make a The Red Pyramid movie. The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan has not been signed on for a movie. Yes. There movie is already in early production stages. The casting directors are beginning to gather their cast, so far rumour has it that Hailey Grace (sadie) and Alex Sawyer (Carter) are the casting director's top choices.
yes but most have been patched which means that they have fixed them so it does not work.
obviously it must have been pure fantasy on the part of the author..pity though, my learners always ask about it and I have to disappoint them
The Great Pyramid is the largest pyramid in the world and has been around for years.
The Great Pyramid of Giza has been extensively, but not completely explored.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the most important pyramid.
The great pyramid of Giza has never been destroyed it is still in Egypt
Ya si no?
I've been asking you the same thing...
it has been or it was intended to be his tomb, his body was not found in it...
The step pyramids were like practice pyramids. They were getting the engineering down and the "how to". I doubt that without them they would have been able to engineer the Great Pyramid.
The Great Pyramid, which is located in Giza, Egypt, was built as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu. He may also have been responsible for the Sphinx.
All doors discovered so far have been accessed.
Like many things about the great pyramid the 'cost' is not known - however it is more than likely that the 'cost' would not have been a factor. It has always been there, known to be there and seen to be there, so no one found or discovered it.
There are many different theories about the purpose of the Great Pyramid. Along with not being able to conclude absolutely who built the Great Pyramid, mankind also does not understand why it was built. Many believe that Pharaoh Cheops (or Khufu) built the Great Pyramid for his tomb around 3350 BC, because many of the other pyramids in the area have been found to be burial chambers for the various kings of Egypt. Now, there are some that believe the Great Pyramid monument was a time capsule left by an advanced civilization. There may have been some leaders of this civilization wanted to leave a message to future civilizations. Others think it was some civil service project.