His great grandmother was french which is why he has green eyes. He is 1/8 french and 7/8 african -american. Per the answer to the questions about his eyes...
His struggles were that he was black, and his teammates and fans were white.
in Robinsons
The Miracles.
Smokey lived in Detroi, Michigan Also first time answering so tell me if I'm good
He deffinitely has Asian blood in him,there's no doubt about that!
No. She is black.
i dont know tell me
i dont know tell me
His struggles were that he was black, and his teammates and fans were white.
Since Smokey Robinson is a light-skinned black man, it is likely that he has one or more Caucasians in his ancestry somewhere. However, since he always was recognized by his family as being black, it is unlikely that both of his parents were white.
His mom's name is Molly Robinson, but I forgot the dads name
when did meet the Robinsons arrive in theaters?when did meet the Robinsons arrive in theaters?when did meet the Robinsons arrive in theaters?when did meet the Robinsons arrive in theaters?