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Diana Rigg played "Mrs. Peel" for 51 episodes from 1965-1968
Diana Rigg
He died from the gunshot wound.
Avengers -- Diana Rigg & Patrick Macnee The Avengers.
SC Rigg is the pseudonym of the author Sharon Creech, who wrote the poem for a book called 'love that dog'-an entire book written in poetry.
There is no known poem titled "Apple" by sc rigg. It's possible that you may be referring to a different title or author. Can you provide more information for clarification?
S.C. Rigg has written various poems, including "The Raven's Bride," "White Crow in the Coffin Tree," "Feathered Bones," and "The Haunting of Hillwood Farm." Their works often explore themes of nature, dark beauty, and the supernatural.
I am a straight 'A' student. I am a straight A student.
Rebecca Rigg's birth name is Rebecca Jane Rigg.
A lot. Not that the children's brain is superior, but their parents will "make" them be straight a student.
Theodore Rigg died in 1972.
George Rigg died in 1887.
Theodore Rigg was born in 1888.
Keith Rigg died in 1995.
Keith Rigg was born in 1906.