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Q: Was molly brown on three olynpic ships britannic olympic and titanic?
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Related questions

What date did molly brown board the titanic?

molly brown board in titanic on 1912 april 11

Who was Molly Brown on the RMS Titanic?

molly brown was a survivle of the titanic. she also was very famous and survived the sinking of the Titanic on life boat six.

How old was molly brown when she boared the titanic?

she was 44 when she boarded the titanic

Did Mrs Margret brown husband survive on the Titanic?

I believe she was already divorced from Mr. Brown nor that he was a passenger on the Titanic.

Why did Molly Brown rode the Titanic?

Margaret Brown was sailing Titanic to the US because she had word that her son, Lawrence, was ill.

Who was Margaret Tobin Brown?

Margaret Tobin Brown nickname was molly brown. she was on the titanic when it was on its first and last voyage. Molly Brown was in the first class. But she was not THE RICHEST. Molly Brown survived when the titanic sinking.

How old was molly brown when the titanic ship sunk?

She was 3 months away from her 45th birthday when the Titanic sank

Who was famous that was on the Titanic?

Molly brown aka the unsinkable molly brown

What was Molly Brown famous for?

Surviving the Titanic

What ships was the unsinkable molly brown on?

the titanic

Is molly brown famous for anything other than surviving the titanic?

Margaret Brown was a huge philanthropist, especially for people who were ruined by the sinking of Titanic.

How long did margaret brown live after the titanic sank?

Margaret Brown died in New York City in 1932, twenty years after the sinking of Titanic.