The 'Bloody Gir' was a picture of GIR covered in blood that the producers of Invader ZIM snuck in , because Jhonen Vasquez wanted a GIR covered in blood in the episode "GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff" . However , Nickelodeon (understandably) prohibited it , but the image had already been drawn . Jhonen Vasquez , color artist J. Bondy and alongside voice-artist Rosearik Rikki Simons(the voice of GIR) , on their own volition decided to sneak images of 'Bloody GIR' in just about , supposedly , every episode following the refusal . 'Bloody Gir' can be seen in the episodes "Bad , Bad Rubber Piggy" , "Hamstergeddon" , "Plague of Babies" and "Mortos der Soulstealer" .
Not necessarily , Invader Zim was canceled for the following reasons : parents never liked the show and thought it was too dark and violent for children , it didn't attract the age group it was supposed to , ( It was basically made for 9 to 12-year-olds but was liked by teenagers and adults.) , there is a hidden image of GIR covered in blood in some of the episodes , (You can see it clearly in the opening of "Mortos Der Soulstealer".) , Nickelodeon kept making Jhonen Vasquez [ the creator of Invader Zim ] add changes in the episodes and Jhonen became frustrated and quit and it wasn't getting the high ratings from 9 to 12-year-olds .
Nickelodeon cancelled Invader Zim in 2002 . Because in an episode Gir was bloody and Nickelodeon thought that was to vilont and kids thought it was scary. But Invader Zim is back on.
Bloody Gir IS THE REASON Invader Zim was canceled. I have a file on my laptop that has pictures I took straight from the episodes with him in it.
Invader Zim was cancelled due to poor ratings , the dark nature of the show , problems with going over budget . They did try to get the show moved to MTV like Ren and Stimpy but that never went through .
It is not the episodes that were already aired but the incomplete and ,therefore, unaired episodes that got Invader Zim canceled due to the violence. It is most likely that Nickelodeon didn't like the violence that Invader Zim was heading towards. But it is known for a fact that it was NOT because of "Bloody Gir". It couldn't have been because Nickelodeon found out about Bloody Gir AFTER Invader Zim was canceled. FYI Invader Zim HAS been brought back. It airs on Nickelodeon every night from 10 PM to 10:30 PM Eastern Time every night. Even if they do continue the series, it won't be the same because Jhonen Vasquez has already walked.
It got canceled due to, In some secenes you can see bloody gir (barley) Taunted in the backround. When the channel invader zim found out they cancled it. and it was because parents said it was Scary and not good for kids
Nickelodeon cancelled Invader Zim in 2002 . Because in an episode Gir was bloody and Nickelodeon thought that was to vilont and kids thought it was scary. But Invader Zim is back on.
Bloody Gir IS THE REASON Invader Zim was canceled. I have a file on my laptop that has pictures I took straight from the episodes with him in it.
Invader Zim was cancelled due to poor ratings , the dark nature of the show , problems with going over budget . They did try to get the show moved to MTV like Ren and Stimpy but that never went through .
It is not the episodes that were already aired but the incomplete and ,therefore, unaired episodes that got Invader Zim canceled due to the violence. It is most likely that Nickelodeon didn't like the violence that Invader Zim was heading towards. But it is known for a fact that it was NOT because of "Bloody Gir". It couldn't have been because Nickelodeon found out about Bloody Gir AFTER Invader Zim was canceled. FYI Invader Zim HAS been brought back. It airs on Nickelodeon every night from 10 PM to 10:30 PM Eastern Time every night. Even if they do continue the series, it won't be the same because Jhonen Vasquez has already walked.
Invader Zim. I recommend watching it before you start talking about how awesome Gir is, because people who are real fans of Invader Zim and Gir will hate you for that.
It got canceled due to, In some secenes you can see bloody gir (barley) Taunted in the backround. When the channel invader zim found out they cancled it. and it was because parents said it was Scary and not good for kids
Invader zim was cancelled in 2004 for being that the Illustrators hid the picture of Bloody Gir..It was a picture of gir covered in blood. Nick doesnt want blood in ANY show of Nick, so It was cancelled by 2004. It would still be going on if it hadn't been cancelled. Sometimes at night it still comes on, but very rarely.. And I don't mean like 8:00,9:00, I mean about 10:30 to 11:00.. Hope I helped!! Contact me on youtube..My username is Zimphan25 --Zimphan25-- My response: Invader Zim came on when I came home from school, so it was about 3 whatever, so it shows in the daytime. I don't know why they don't want any blood, 'cause iCarly has some blood in it, not due to violence. And, the episodes are just reruns. At least we get to see Gir, Dib, and Zim. I'm talking a little too much, so there's some of your answer. LOL. ITS BACK ON NICK NOW.This information is brought to you by a different person.
GiR comes on in the first Invader Zim episode, "The Nightmare Begins".
Gir is in the TV show Invader Zim.
go on youtube and watch all bloody gir locations and you shall see p.s. bloody gir is why the show was canceled because gay nick didn't want anything with blood in it and the creator of invader zim told nick it was pizza sauce on him but nick canceled it anyway so yeah........................... STUPID GAY NICKEdit: Actually, "Bloody Gir" was not the reason the show was canceled. In fact, Nickelodeon did not even find out about "Bloody Gir" being in the just about seven episodes of "Invader Zim" until the show was already off the air. The real reason the show was canceled was because the ratings were not quite up to par. The producers originally created the image of "Bloody Gir" in the hopes of using it in the episode, "GIR Goes all Crazy and Stuff," but when Nickelodeon refused, the producers started sneaking him tactfully into certain episodes. The images of "Bloody Gir" in the "Invader Zim" episodes can usually only be visible if one views it frame-by-frame. Otherwise, the opaque and/or oddly placed images would be lost in the coloring or the movement.Here is a link to a page that basically tells you what I've just told you, only in a better way and with more credibility:
There are many reasons why the show may have been cancelled. One may be the shows constant dark nature or low ratings. But there was aslo somehting else. In one episode there was a hidden bloody Gir. On youtube you can see many reasons.
The Reason Invader Zim was cancelled is still unknown, but there are many rumors. One rumor is that bloody gir, a deeply kept secret held from nick by the producers, was eventually found and therefore brought the destruction of Invader Zim. Another rumor is that there were too many complaints by parents of the show being too disgusting, scary, and disturbing, so nick decided to just trash it.