Good grief, no. If you saw the movie, you might think the German air force was entirely composed of red triplanes. In fact, only 320 of the Fokker Dr.1s were built. Even the German Jastas (squadrons) who had Dr.1s relied primarily on other aircraft. And there was only one all-red Triplane, which belonged to Manfred von Richthofen.
The Americans are flying Nieuport 17s, a French design which had been replaced before the Dr.1 entered service.
There are also inaccuracies (with anti-aircraft artillery and machine guns, for example) and a healthy number of plot absurdities.
"The People" (1972), based on a sci-fi story by Zenna Henderson.
No. The story is fictitious and fantasy. However, the character of Mary Poppins was very loosely based on someone from author PL Travers's own childhood.
Falcor was the dragon in The Neverending Story
October Sky (1990's)
The question is irrelevant because it is based on a false assumption that it is an activity undertaken only by boys.
The duration of When Boys Fly is 1.03 hours.
Yes a fly is a true insect, why wouldn't it?
cos it's a fly
The House Fly is the only true fly in this list. A member of the insect order Diptera (True Flies).
boys are boys and girls are girls
Yes, a horse fly is a real fly.
Yes. It is just a general fly.
When Boys Fly was created in 2002.
According to, Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five had a song called Fly Girl on their 1988 album On The Strength. boogie boys is the one your looking for "fly girl"
The cast of When Boys Fly - 2002 includes: Jason Cavallo Brandon Delcampo Tone Desario Todd Nash Matthew Sloan