There is a gimp in Pulp Fiction
The duration of Pulp Fiction is 2.57 hours.
No. Sean Penn did not appear in the movie Pulp Fiction.
Pulp Fiction was distributed by Miramax Films.
In 'Pulp Fiction', the character of Zed was played by Peter Greene.
There is a gimp in Pulp Fiction
The Production Budget for Pulp Fiction was $8,000,000.
Pulp Fiction was created on 1994-10-14.
Eddie Murphy is not in the movie Pulp Fiction.
The duration of Pulp Fiction is 2.57 hours.
No. Sean Penn did not appear in the movie Pulp Fiction.
Pulp Fiction was distributed by Miramax Films.
In 'Pulp Fiction', the character of Zed was played by Peter Greene.
Pulp Fiction - soundtrack - was created on 1994-09-27.
No, it was Ving Rhames who appeared in Pulp Fiction.
The movie Pulp Fiction has retained the same title in French.
The pulp in pulp fiction is just that. The cheap untrimmed pulp paper they were printed on. They were inexpensive and typically were horror, science fiction or romance novels and magazines that sold for about 10 cents a copy versus the 25 cents a copy for the shiny slicker magazines.