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On August 20, 2008, it was announced by the Sci-fi channel that the series would end after 100 episodes and five seasons. After the season ends with a cliffhanger on the last episode 'Enemy At the Gate', a two hour Stargate Atlantis movie will follow. It is said that this movie was intended to be the first of an on-going series of Stargate Atlantis movies. ANSWER 2

Stargate Atlantis has been canceled and the final episode has already aired. A direct to DVD film will come out later. There will be a new Stargate series on Sci-Fi channel starting later in 2009.


Yes, Stargate Atlantis was cancelled after it's fifth season because the ratings took a dive.

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13y ago

MGM cannot afford to keep the program going, maby someone else will buy the rights to it and make a seson 3, but that's wishfull thinking.

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Q: Was Stargate Atlantis cancelled
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None. Stargate Atlantis was cancelled after season 5 because the ratings took a dive.

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No. It has been cancelled.

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If you mean seasons, Stargate Atlantis had five seasons until it was cancelled.

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The duration of Stargate Atlantis is 2580.0 seconds.

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Stargate Atlantis was created on 2004-07-16.

What are the informations about the Stargate series?

The Stagate series include SG-1, Atlantis, and the new series Universe. SG-1 has over all ten seasons and Atlantis was cancelled on it's fifth season. The producers decided to cancel Atlantis and proceed on making a Stargate Atlantis movie with the setting taking place right after the last episode of Stargate Atlantis. Stargate Universe unlike Atlantis which has a connection to SG-1, will not have any crossover with SG-1 or Atlantis. It is a totally new story about a second ancient ship. For more information, visit the related link below.

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Adrift - Stargate Atlantis - was created on 2007-09-28.

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Every season of Stargate Atlantis is now on DVD and Blu-Ray.

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Why does the Sci-Fi channel choose to end so many good shows such as Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis?

It is not the Sci-Fi channel that chooses to end it, it is because that the shows seasons has ended. Stargate Atlantis has been cancelled by its producer and Stargate SG-1 has finally ended. Actually; it is not the Sci-Fi channel that ends it it is MGM and they were ended because of money problems.

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Stargate Atlantis season 5 is already out in box set.