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It probably was since it made no sense and the actors smell

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Q: Was HSM 3 voted the worst movie in America?
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Is hsm a band?

HSM=High School Musical, the Disney channel origanal movie

Which HSM movie does Miley have a comeo in?

HSM 2 x x x x your welcome

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in the movie or real lifemovie:watch hsm and hsm 2 and pay atintion

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Is HSM 3 going to be out?

yes , its already out in 1 country !! in America on October 24th!!!!!

Is HSm 3 is last movie on hsm series?

There is rumours that there is going to be one without troy and co but with the younger ones in the school. This may not be true i think i read it somewhere

What is gabriells real name in hsm?

Her real name is Vanessa, but Gabriella is her name in the movie.

Is High School Musical the last High School Musical movie?

Yes, sadly it is. its the best movie between hsm and hsm3

What hsm 4 about?

What is this hsm that everybody is asking about?

The movie hsm is made in what year?

2006 easy hsm2 was 2007 and hsm3 is something really sad

Stand for hsm?

High School Musical(HSM).

Who is Selena Gomez in HSM 3?

Selena is not in HSM 3.