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Q: Union bank of India nre account cheek balance?
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What does it mean when a guy kisses you on the cheek in the country of india?

When a guy kisses a girl on the cheek in India when married or dating.

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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the one who made the British flee from India and made India free. He was 100% peace filled. He did not like the way of segrigation. He was an honest man.He would say if your opponent slaps you on the cheek, give them the other cheek.

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A tear-drop shaped piece of feces which dangles from the rectum while defecating. To knock it off you must rock back and forth and from cheek to cheek to dislodge it from your sphincter.

Is the song 'cheek to cheek' for foxtrot or quickstep?

The Song "Cheek to cheek" from Fank Sinatra is a Foxtrott.

What is the Welsh for 'cheek'?

grudd: cheek boch: cheek digywilydd-dra: impudence

Is cheek a common noun?

Cheek is common noun

What a cheek?

A cheek is the side of your face.

How do you cheek?

Cheek is spelled cheek. For the plural noun "cheeks" (either the face or the posterior).

Does your cheeks  have a bone?

No but around the cheek it self is the zygomatic bone (the cheek bone)

What is the birth name of Joey Cheek?

Joey Cheek's birth name is William Joseph Cheek.

What is an Indian apology?

Indians from India tend to be very close in relationships. If you are part of their family, you often give them a kiss on the cheek. If they are just a friend, you simply hug them.

How do you improve cheek muscles?

How do you improve cheek muscles