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Q: This tribe migrated across Africa bringing iron technology with it?
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What tribe migrated across Africa bringing iron technology with it?


The Bantu tribe migrated across Africa bringing with them technology.?

farming Farming isn't right the right answer is iron.

The tribe migrated across Africa bringing iron technology with it?

The migration of the tribe across Africa likely contributed to the spread of iron technology, disseminating knowledge and tools to different regions. This technological diffusion could have facilitated advancements in metallurgy and improved the tribe's ability to adapt to new environments along their journey.

The Bantu tribe migrated across Africa bringing with them what technology?

The Bantu tribe migrated across Africa bringing with them iron-working technology, which allowed them to create tools and weapons. They also brought agricultural techniques, such as farming yams, millet, and sorghum, which helped them settle and thrive in new regions. Additionally, they introduced techniques for smelting iron and forging metal objects, which improved their ability to create more efficient tools and weapons.

Did the Bantu learn new technology as they migrated?

Yes, the Bantu people learned new technologies as they migrated, such as iron-working techniques and agricultural practices. They also adapted to new environments by learning from other societies they encountered during their expansion across Africa.

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Because people migrated across the bering

What did the bantu-speaking people spread across Africa as they migrated?

The Bantu-speaking people spread agriculture techniques, ironworking skills, new languages, and cultural practices as they migrated across Africa. Their movements played a significant role in shaping the demographics and cultural landscape of the continent.

What continent did the earliest humans start from?

The earliest humans are believed to have originated in Africa. From there, they eventually migrated to other continents, spreading across the globe over time.

Where did the Bantu people migrate?

The Bantu people originated in West Africa and gradually migrated south and eastward over centuries, spreading their language, culture, and agricultural techniques across the African continent. They settled in regions such as Central Africa, Southern Africa, East Africa, and parts of West Africa.

Where did the Bantus migrate to?

The Bantus migrated across sub-Saharan Africa, spreading to regions such as Central Africa, East Africa, and Southern Africa. They also settled in areas with suitable land for agriculture and natural resources.

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