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houses of refuge

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Q: The first correctional institutions devoted exclusively to youth incarceration were?
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Related questions

What was The first correctional institutions devoted exclusively to youth incarceration?

The first correctional institution devoted exclusively to youth incarceration was the House of Refuge, established in 1824 in New York City. It aimed to provide rehabilitation and education for juvenile offenders as an alternative to adult prisons.

Is there a website devoted exclusively for used tires?

There are a lot of websites devoted to used tires, where to buy them and what to look for. and are two choices.

What is sacred?

exclusively devoted to a deity or to some religious ceremony or use; holy; consecrated

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in the inner ear.a2 Your balance organs are located near to the middle ear. The inner ear is exclusively devoted to sound.

Does Kate Gosselin have a website?

No, Kate Gosselin does not have a website exclusively devoted to her. TLC has a section devoted to "Kate Plus 8" and a blog that is updated infrequently with posts from Ms. Gosselin. The former family website, "" which was called "The Gosselin 10" is no longer active.

What is the Institute of Management Accountants?

The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) is the largest educational, nonprofit association in the world devoted exclusively to management accounting, finance, and information management.

Is there a Wikipedia on Don Binney New Zealand?

As of January 2009, there is no Wikipedia article devoted exclusively to Don Binney. Some other links to Don Binney can be found below.

What magazines cater to makeup artists?

The Makeup Artist Magazine is a publication devoted exclusively to makeup artists. It includes relevant stories to the makeup artistry world, as well as guides and tips.

Where can one resell a red camera?

RED cameras are in high demand. There are websites devoted exclusively to users of RED cameras which have sales sections. As well, there are numerous other sales avenues, such as newspaper ads or local online classifieds.

What is Antarctica is devoted to?

Antarctica is devoted to science.

What is the most devoted religion?

There is no such thing as a most devoted religion. It is the people that believe in it that are devoted. Each would claim their own adherents were the most devoted.

What is devoted in Tagalog?

The word "devoted" in Tagalog can be translated as "dedikado" or "tapat."