NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was founded on April 4, 1949. The founding countries were:
1. Belgium
2. France
3. United States
4. Norway
5. Canada
6. Iceland
8. Luxembourg
9. Denmark
10. Italy
11. Portugal
12. The Netherlands
Joined on February 18, 1952:
13. Turkey
14. Greece
Joined on May 9, 1955:
15. Germany
All of the above are the fifteen members of NATO in 1960, as the next members to join did so after 1982. Here are the rest of them if you're curious:
Joined on May 30, 1982:
16. Spain
Joined on March 12, 1999:
17. Czech Republic
18. Hungary
19. Poland
Joined on March 29, 2004:
20. Bulgaria
21. Estonia
22. Latvia
23. Lithuania
24. Romania
25. Slovakia
26. Slovenia
Joined on April 1, 2009:
27. Albania
28. Croatia
Good Question!!!
Europe, Eurozone (European countries using the Euro as a common currency), NATO, UN.
India. Pakistan. Bangladesh.
No. Not a part of NATO. NATO-friendly, but not a member.
By 1960 the US, USSR, UK, and France had nuclear weapons. China got them in 1964.
That was NATO. Both Canada and the USA were founding members with the 10 western European countries in 1949.
Soviet union
The UK is still a NATO country and is aligned with all the other NATO countries.
Several countries have developed partnerships with NATO without becoming full members. NATO's goal is to create dialogues between countries and help solve international conflicts. Some countries that have or have had partnerships with NATO include Russia and Ukraine. These countries are represented by Heads of Diplomatic Missions or Liaison Offices located at the NATO Headquarters.
Africa's countries are not members of NATO.
Yugoslavia was usually considered 'non-aligned' during the cold war. The following countries were 'neutral', and belonged to neither the Warsaw Pact, nor to NATO: Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Finland.
is switzerland apart of nato,seato,oas,or opec
NATO was designed to safeguard the freedom and security of its member countries by political and military means. NATO also plays a very important role in crisis management and peacekeeping with countries.
NATO was not formed until after WW2.
Unless I am mistaken Turkey is a member of Nato.....
There are 28.