That is in Uncivil Warriors.
The Stooges are spies in the Civil War. The folks they are spying on get suspicious and start asking Moe questions about his wife. Larry decides to 'excuse' himself so he can dress up as a woman and come back, pretending to be Moe's wife. Larry's excuse is that he has a 'weak back'. When asked how long he's had a weak back Larry says 'Ohhhhh, about a week back'.
Three of your pokémon are weak to Ground, you should try to fix that.
Where the weak are killed and buried.
Heatran is really weak to ground type moves, and weak to water and fighting. Gyrados is really weak to electric, and weak to rock. Jolteon is weak to ground. Flygon is really weak to ice, and weak to dragon. Machamp is weak to psychic and flying. Roserade is weak to fire, ice, flying, and psychic. Those would be the best types to use against them.
Boy was a very weak calf but Mr TOM KELLY gave him to Scot free until he was back in June .He said
The duration of Weak at the Top is 1800.0 seconds.
ONE MILLION joke 5 :))
three forces are gravitational,,electromagnetic,and weak nuclear
weak ans strong
The word 'weak' is not a noun, it's an adjective (weak, weaker, weakest), a word to describe a noun as not strong (the weak link, a weak back).
I hope this is a joke.
the antonyms of morse is weak, poor and feeble
yes, it is
No because if you do a back flip handspring with a weak wrist. You could end up with a bad rist and your back flip handspring ould just not look right. If you have any questions about anything just rite:)
mga weak kayo hahahahaha hindi joke lng ang discription ng mulching ay hindi ko alam katulad nyu wlng alam.
people will hold her back while the great spartan soilders got rid of the weak baby
Their shells provides protection for their weak back side.