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The retina is behind the eye The vitreous humor.

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Q: Something behind the eye
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Why would my eye have severe pain and the eye bulges out?

Too much pressure in the eye, or something pushing from behind it, GO GET CHECKED OUT !!!!!!!

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It is impossible for a contact to roll behind your eye, so it has either fallen out or folded up under the eye lid

Where is the lens in your eye?

The lens in your eye is located behind the iris, in the front part of the eye just behind the cornea. It helps focus light onto the retina at the back of the eye, allowing you to see clearly at different distances.

What is the cure for pressure behind the eye?

blow your eye up

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The duration of Something in Her Eye is 480.0 seconds.

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behind my eye

Can a contact roll behind your eye?


Where does the blood go from behind the eye when you have a hemorage behind the eye?

It gets reabsorbed into your system although it can take some time to happen.

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You Can't run around it

Where is retina located in the human eye?

back of the eye behind the viscous humor

Do frog has poison eye glands behind their eye?

some species do, but not all.

When was Something in Her Eye created?

Something in Her Eye was created on 1915-11-10.