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The Data Link layer and Transport layer are both part of the OSI model. They both involve the transmission of data across a network. However, the Data Link layer is primarily concerned with the physical transmission of data within a local network, while the Transport layer is responsible for end-to-end communication between devices. Both layers involve error detection and correction mechanisms to ensure data integrity during transmission.

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2mo ago
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13y ago

Basically Data Layer provides error-free transmission across a single link ( 2 consecutive stations ) where as Transport layer ensures the communication between source and destination. (Provide end-to-end delivery, from one computer (host) to another.)

Thus to ensure the communication, both the layers will provide following services;

1. Flow Control (Which controls the flow of data ensuring no overhead to the destination)

2. Error Detection and Correction (Detect errors in the data and correct them if possible)

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13y ago

well first off we have the huge difference between the layerage... for example, TCP/IP has 4 layers whereas OSI has seven. each does a similar thing with different taskforces

other than that do your own homwework, because I'm not writing your essay for you. I have my own to do by tomorrow morning.... ¬_¬

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17y ago

tcpip is better because it is pear to pear networking

we have to go through several protocols in osi model

there are many others for tcpip to e better

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4y ago

Flow control

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Q: Similarities between Data Link layer and Transport layer?
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What is the similarities between quantitative data and quantitative data?

don't you mean quantitative data and qualitative data?

Similarities between data and information?

Data and information are similar only because data is a raw form of information. Therefore, they are one and the same. Information differs because it is organized, whereas data is not.

What are the similarities between a switch and a hub?

Both switches and hubs are networking devices used to connect multiple devices in a local area network (LAN). However, a key similarity between them is that they both operate at the data link layer of the OSI model. Additionally, both devices forward data packets to their destination based on the MAC address of the devices connected to them. Despite these similarities, switches are more advanced than hubs as they can intelligently forward data packets to specific devices based on their MAC addresses, while hubs simply broadcast data to all connected devices.

Similarities between IP UDP?

UPD belongs to the Transport layer of the OSI model along with TCP. While IP belongs to the Network layer of the OSI model. So they are on different levels. The UPD does not check the data for errors, whether packets will be received or does any sequencing, that is done by TCP. UPD is useful for large amounts of informaton to pass thru like audio and video because it does not slow it down with checking. IP is a totally different animal. It belongs to the Network layer and provides information about how and where datra should be delivered including data source and destination address.

Similarities between manual and computer database?

Both store data. Both will usually have some sort of structure and organisation to the data. The user of both can normally find the data they need. The user can normally derive the information they need from that data from both. The user can add data to both and remove data and change data.

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Which osi layer manages data segment?

transport layer

Which Segmentation of a data stream happens at which layer of the osi odel?

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Which OSI layer ordered data reconstruction services?

transport layer

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What is difference between datalink layer flow control and transport layer flow control?

The difference between datalink layer flow control and transport layer flow control is the need to keep the different layers of data separate in the flow control option.

What layer of the OSI model performs error correction?

Layer 2 - The Data Link Layer Layer 2 of the OSI model provides error-detection capability

What part of an OSI model is the transport layer?

The transport layer in an OSI model is the layer that moves information or data between the network layer and the session layer. The Open Systems Interconnection model is a way of visualizing the processes that happen in communication and networking.

Lost transport layer packets?

Transport layer is the fourth layer in the OSI model. Transport layer is responsible for process to process delivery of entire message. Other than that it also control connection, flow of data and error , thus will resend the packet if it get lost in between.

Which layers ensures data is received in the order it was sent?

Transport (Layer 4)

What is the data element for the Transport layer?


How the data will transfer in a network if the transport layer not present?

I don't believe it's possible to transmit data without some sort of transport layer.

What are three responsibilities of the transport layer?

The transport layer manages packing and unpacking of data, the delivery of packets and checking for errors in the data once it arrives.