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Gianni played by Jon Manfrellotti.

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Q: Ray Romano's close friend in everybody loves Raymond?
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Was everybody involved he holocaust punished?

no, not even close, not even close to half.

Who was Romeos couzon and a close friend?

his cousin was benvolio and his close friend was mercutio

What is the difference between close friend and best friend?

A close friend is someone with whom you share a strong bond and have a deep connection, but may not necessarily be your closest or most trusted confidant. A best friend, on the other hand, is someone who you consider as your closest and most trusted companion, with whom you share your deepest thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Best friends often have a level of intimacy and understanding that goes beyond what is typically shared with close friends.

How do you say Close friend in Hebrew?

male close friend = khah-VEHR TOV (חבר טוב) female close friend = khah-veh-RAH toh-VAH (חברה טובה)

Can a close guy friend suddenly fall in love with her?

A close guy friend can fall in love with a close lady friend. It has happened to a couple of my friends and it can happen if you're close enough to this person.

Why does your friend get close to every best friend you have?

because she like your friend

Spell friend in french?

le copain = male friend la copine = female friend l'ami = close male friend / boyfriend l'amie = close female friend / girlfriend

What is another word for a good friend?

A close friend.

Is it possible to forget a close friend?

It is not possible to forget a truly close friend unless you lose your memories.

How do you turn you friend into your girl friend?

First how close are you to her if your really close one day ask her IF you are NOT close get to know her a little better then ask.

Who is romeo close friend?

Romeo's comical friend was called mercutio

What is a synonym for confidant?

A synonym for confidant is "trusted friend" or "close companion."