here is the code: 42001
Go to the following link for more:
There is no one postal code assigned to Canada's capital city, Ottawa. There are in fact hundreds of postal codes assigned to the Ottawa area.
Postal codes for Bangalore begin with 560, with three more digits. Bangalore has several postal codes for different parts of the city.
The postal code of India depends on the city. For Manali the code is 175131 and for Katra it is 182301.
South Africa doesn't have a "Zip Code" but has a 4 digit "Postal code" for their postal locations.The 4 digit codes are not as precise in their locations as the US zip codes or the UK postal codes. Every city and most towns in South Africa have a postal code.There is no separate code that covers the entire country.For example, Postcode 3610, South Africa, which means it is a street address in the Hillcrest, KZN area.Zip Codes are American Postal Codes and other countries have their own systems. ZIP is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan.See related question for links to specific city codes.
The country code and area code of Baghdad, Iraq is 964, 1.
Postal code of Navotas city is 1485
The current postal code for Davao City is 8000. Davao City is located in the Philippines.
Postal code for Angeles City is 2009.
Angeles City's postal code is 2009.
Cebu City's postal code is 6000.
The postal code of Bislig is 08311
The postal code of Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines is 6710.
What is the postal code for Hai phong City
The common form of postal code of Pontianak city is 78000, but each subdistrict in Pontianak has different postal code in format of 78xxx.
What ever your city's zip code is that is your state's postal code. So states have many postal codes. It's different for every city.
maasin city so. leyte postal code is 6600