the distance between Le Havre and Lake Garda (Italia) is 1225 km (761 miles). The driving time is about 11H30.
Le Havre was created in 1517.
Le Havre is on the river Seine.
The duration of Le Havre - film - is 1.55 hours.
Le Havre grossed $611,709 in the domestic market.
the moth of river seine are in Italia . The mouth of river seine at le havre. The extra info the source of the river seine is in burgundy.
Le Havre was created in 1517.
The population of Le Havre is 179,751.
Le Havre is on the river Seine.
Le Havre is a city's name
Le Havre AC was created in 1872.
The area of Le Havre is 46.95 square kilometers.
STB Le Havre was created in 1924.
Le Havre was released on 10/21/2011.
The Production Budget for Le Havre was $5,500,000.
The duration of Le Havre - film - is 1.55 hours.
Of course there are trains from Le Havre to Paris. Le Havre is a large city. Any city that size will have a train service.
Raid on Le Havre happened on 1759-07-03.