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After ten years if Elizabeth stays faithful to Will, He will go free from the dutchman.If calypso stayed faithful to davy Jones for ten years then he will go free.Calypso never ment there to be a new captain.And if u stayed after the credits u see a Will returning after ten years and elizabeth dtayed faithful so he is no longer bound to the dutchman.

trust me i have been doidn alot of reaserch on this question,i would hate it if Will could only come on land once every ten years.

If you listen to Wills father after Will takes over, he is bound there for all of eternity. He can only go on land for 1 day every 10 years. The scene after the credits was showing Will coming in for his one day after his first 10 years. When the day ends, hes going to have to go back.

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Q: Is will turner still captain of the flying dutchman?
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