Yes there is. Say your battling the Elite four (and you aren't allowed to go heal your pokemon) You can use a max elixr and you can also use a hyper potion. These two combind will make it seem like you DID go heal that pokemon.
in canalave city under the Pokemon center
it is either overheat or blastburn
you use it on move tutors to teach your Pokemon moves
the first tm you can get in pokemon pearl is the move return and the more friendly the pokemon is to you the more powerful it will become also it could be used on any pokemon but choose carefully because it can only be used once
find the move deleter but i dont know where he is
I think you can get it off cynthia, or she tells you where you can buy it or something like that.
dig isn't a hm move on Pokemon pearl
If you are in a double battle and one of your Pokemon has the move heal pulse, then you can use it on your own Pokemon.
yes as long as the move is available anywhere in the gamealthough Pokemon is awesome
Tm58 is a pokemon move called endure
the hm dive is not available in pearl.
If a Pokemon knows that move use it and in will heal itself
Although most people find the move Heal Pulse useless, the move can be beneficial at times. In the Pokemon Black and White series, the move Heal Pulse can be used to heal an opponent or ally in battle. This move can be helpful to Pokemon that may not be able to learn self-recovery moves, such as recover or wish, and is also a helpful move during double battles. It should be noted, that the move cannot be used on the user itself, and will instantly heal the opponent during a wild, single battle.
Splash. It does no damage.
There isn't one. :(
in canalave city under the Pokemon center
There isn't a tm for the move flail in Pearl.