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yes it is a non-restricted firearm but costs the same as a vacation to Hawaii on a first-class flight!

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What is the range of the temperate forest in new Zealand?

During the winter the weather can range from 14 Fahrenheit to 52 in the summer. This island has an average of 115cm. of rainfall a yearadd The geographic range of forests covers the whole country, apart from a few dry or desert areas.Central Otago used to be forested, but fires coincident with the arrival of the Maori destroyed the forest cover over perhaps half the province. This is well dated by C14 techniques.Unfortunately, the forest concerned can survive down to 200 mm of rainfall, but it needs about 400 mm for a new forest to establish. Thus in the drier periods, somewhat after the local ice ages, the forest could not re-establish.In the North Island there were two significant desert areas, one near Waiouru, and the other in Kiangaroa to the east. These were desert because of volcanic ash fall. The Kaingaroa Desert has subsequently been planted out in coniferous forest.

Does geological evidence support Darwin's theory?

In general, yes. The basic process of "evolution", in which each generation of creatures either survive or do not, in response to environmental factors, is pretty much undisputed. The creatures that survive more often are likely to prosper and thrive; the ones that survive LESS often (no process is absolute) will gradually become extinct. So in the geological record, we see evidence of animals and plants that are similar to the ones we know today, some that are somewhat different, and many that are WILDLY different than any we know of today. So in my front yard, I have a ginko tree which is apparently no different from the ones that apatosaurus might have eaten 100 million years ago, while there have been no dinosaurs around for about 65 million years. The shellfish in the market of Catania, Sicily, are essentially the same as the fossil shellfish that have been excavated from the million-year-old lava flows around Mt. Etna. We cannot know for certain what combinations of factors might have encouraged some species to thrive while others became extinct, but the basic process of evolutionary change is essentially undisputed. Certainly, Darwin's theories were not 100% accurate - but scientific theories never are. They are always revised as we learn new facts and are able to better interpret old facts into a coherent whole.

Related questions

What are the release dates for C14 - 2013?

C14 - 2013 was released on: USA: 30 October 2013 (limited)

What formulas will give you the total value of a series of numbers displayed in column C from C1 to C14?

The simplest and best way is: =SUM(C1:C14)

C14 bouble barrel shot gun?


The half-life of C14 is 5730 years. What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is 28650 years old?

There would be 1/32 left.

What half-life of C14 is 5730 years. What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is 28650 years old?

1/32 of the original amount.

What is the difference between c 12 and c 14?

C12 and C14 are isotopes of the Element Carbon. C12 is the most abundant of all which is 99% of all the Carbon on earth while C14 is only 0.0000000001% (trace amount). C12 has a Atomic Number of 12. It has 6 Protons and 6 Neutrons. C14 has a Atomic Number of 14. It has 6 Protons and 8 Neutrons. C14 is radioactive in nature. It is used for carbon dating.

What type of cell reference is C14?

It is a relative cell reference.

What is the daughter product of the nuclear decay equation of C14?


What actors and actresses appeared in C14 - 2013?

The cast of C14 - 2013 includes: Dustin Bacon as Random Guy Craig Bouwens as Zombie 2 David Scott Diaz as David

What fraction of the original c14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is twenty eight thousand six hundred and fifty years old?

The half-life of C14 is 5730 years so the given period is 5 half-lives. You should, therefore, expect approx 2-5 = 0.03125 of the original C14 to remain.

How many isotopes dose c have?

3 - c12, c13 and c14

Arrange in the order of half life s35 p32 H3 C14?

The order of half-life from shortest to longest is: P32 (phosphorus-32), S35 (sulfur-35), C14 (carbon-14), and H3 (tritium).