No virdi or birdi is not scheduled cast Birdi surname belongs to Ramgarhia
whate is tha cast of name of the surname kambli
As per new circumstances, Jheer cast belongs to general casts. They are also known as Kashyap Rajput/Mehra. They follow Sikh/Hindu religion. Surnames like Sangha, Udehan, Sansoya are also well known Jheer/Mehras.
No, Dhiman is not schedule cast in punjab, There are two further sub catagories - Carpenter & Lohar Lohar comes under OBC.
Phull/Phul/Phool is one of the most uncommon surnames in punjab....people of this surname are punjabi khatris .The Khatrisare a north Indian community that originated in the Potwar Plateau of Punjab.There might even be a few jatt or tarkhan tribes which share this surname.They are the descendents of Phul Singh Sandhu a 17th century ruler in Punjab.
No... Golash is a gotra in Bania community.
no it is a genral cast or some places it is OBC
KARNWAL surname belongs to Baniya Trader caste, which is not one of the Schedule Caste (Untouchables) in North India. Karnwal/Jaiswal are baniya trader which are called Kalwar vaish .They are follower of Sahstrbabhu Arjun. Few schedule cast are used this surname why i do not know.
No virdi or birdi is not scheduled cast Birdi surname belongs to Ramgarhia
Brahmin surname.
Yes, Sarkar can be a surname associated with individuals from Scheduled Castes in India. However, it is important to note that surnames can be used by people from various social and caste backgrounds, so the surname alone does not definitively indicate caste status.
palit cast
may be belongs to Brahmins cast
Which cast belong pandav surnem
i think kamma's