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Mariska Hargitay will be 49 years old this month (January 2013) and has borne four children. Nature does take its course, but I don't think you'll find as much fat as you think. Ms. Hargitay is the daughter of body builder Mickey Hargitay and knows how to stay in shape.

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Q: Is it just you or Olivia Benson from Law and Order SVU is getting fatter and fatter every episode?
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plz tell me the answer as fast as possible.

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Well in a episode of Gintama a these girls were gaining weight but they lost weight after they went to this diet camp

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Change your diet and exercise daily. That is the fastest way to reverse the process, and works well for everyone.

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uhm yes she is. Sorry to say Steph!

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it seems that with photo evidence she might be, but you never can be sure.

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The comparative form of fat is fatter.

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In my view suryanamaskar is the best way to get thinner

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eating disorder. anorexia nervosa

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yes I have noticed this I think it is gross but sometimes its a thyriod problem

Do horses get fatter by eating sugar?

Well, for one too much sugar isn't good for them anyway. But horses mainly get fatter by not getting enough exercise and too much good stuff to eat.