No. Darth Maul is a Zabrak (humanoid with little horns poking out it's head) while Grevious is a Kaleesh. Then Darth Maul can use the force while Grevious may have lightsabers but he can't use the force. Lastly Maul was killed in "The Phantom Menace" two episodes before Greviouses appearance.
Darth Maul is played by: Ray Park.
darth sidious was the apprentice and darth plagues the wise was the master until sidious killed his master and took on an apprentice of his own, darth maul.
The dark side
There is no canonical references that explain who Darth Maul originally was. He was taken from him home planet of Iridonia and trained as a Sith by Darth Sidious. He was never a Jedi, and as he gave up his former identity to take the Sith title of 'Darth' his former identity is irrelevant, his tattoos indicate his loyalty to the Sith order. There are popular fan-fiction storied that identify Darth Maul's original name, but these stories are not licensed by Lucasfilm, and are therefore NOT official Star Wars cannon. Until Lucasfilm authorizes a book about Darth Maul's origin it will remain a mystery.
No. He was not a Sith.
Darth Maul.
No, the two are unrelated. Darth Maul was a Zabrak; General Grievous was a Kaleesh until being reconstructed as a cyborg following his being injured in a shuttle crash
General Grievous would never beat darth maul, unless your talking about the general grievous from the original cartoon series. darth maul would win because he can use a double-bladed lightsaber and there have only been about 3-4 jedi/sith ever to use one. it would be a very close fight but in all darth maul would win.
If you mean lightsaber combat yes
No Darth Maul is not General Grevious, they are in fact different species.
Darth maul, his skills are far more advanced than general grevious even though grevious has 4 hands Darth maul would still win he defeated a high ranked Jedi when grevious couldn't even kill one.
Darth Maul is played by: Ray Park.
You can get a Darth maul lightsaber at Click on the scroll-down that says >Star Wars, click on lightsabers. Search Darth Maul and you can get one for $36.51 on the third page of Darth Maul lightsabers
Obi-Wan Kenobi was the last person to fight with Darth Maul. But Obi-Wan also killed Darth Maul.
Darth Maul
Darth Maul would win.