Depends how you say it if you say 'you are a freak' then arguably yes, but if you say 'that boy is a football freak' then in a way it can be seen as even a compliment. So it depends how you use the word.
A neat freak is someone who always has to be neat. I am a neat freak, and I don't even sleep in my bed because it looks bad. I hate being a neat freak. I cant even go to sleep until my room is neat. That's it.
horabl it wasnt eaven taloratable
Yes, there is it is in the back of the novel Freak the Mighty. This word list is from the website ArmoredPenguin (listed below in the Related Links section).aardvarkaarghallegorybionicboatsbookcigarettecretincrittersdictionarydyadergfoodfoozlegoongramgrimgrimhaikuherstoryhistoryjabbawockykazoolagoonlibraryliftofflimerickmagnesiummidgetornithopterquestrobotufologyveganwattzag
loving, caring
The word monster in Afrikaans can be used in 2 contexts:sample, specimen, patternmonster, freak
Freak? How about weird?
Word Freak - book - was created in 2001.
a clean word for freak is wierdo
The anagram for the word "freak" is faker.
The Tagalog word for "freak" is "sira-ulo" or "kakaiba."
· F2F (face-to-face) · fab (fabulous) · face the music (accept the consequences)
The ISBN of Word Freak - book - is 0-618-01584-1.
No, i mean .... why would she go on mind freak, she's not a bad person
another word for freak is retard some people think its effencive, but its actually another word for freak trust me i have sources
say something bad bout them
no. who would think of that word?
The term for a freak on Max's shoulder is a "shoulder freak."