yes, i believe it is, some people dont think so but i do. its where your mind is eating its self slowly with disturbing thoughts. in other words your going crazy but with your mind perminitly thinking VERY disturbing thoughts.
No, Disturbia does not yet have a sequel
Disturbia - film - was created on 2007-07-10.
Disturbia grossed $80,209,692 in the domestic market.
Disturbia was released on April 13th, 2007 in the United States of America.
yeah, disturbia the movie is supposed to be scary but it isn't at all its a song and a movie and a book
No, Disturbia does not yet have a sequel
The Production Budget for Disturbia was $20,000,000.
The duration of Disturbia - film - is 1.73 hours.
No, he didnt ever cover Disturbia
Disturbia - film - was created on 2007-07-10.
Disturbia grossed $117,573,043 worldwide.
Disturbia grossed $80,209,692 in the domestic market.
Disturbia was released on April 13th, 2007 in the United States of America.
Disturbia, I think that's the one your talking about?
in Disturbia