Of Coarse I dont know how i would be like without David! He is on In the Kitchen with David on Sun. and Sat. Saturday Morning Q on Sat. Sometimes hes on after ITKWD on Sundays! as well!
As of September 2014, David Venable from QVC is 49 years old. He was born in November 1964.
David started at QVC in 1993.
David is from North Carolina.
David Venable
A show host on QVC.
As of September 2014, David Venable from QVC is 49 years old. He was born in November 1964.
David started at QVC in 1993.
David is from North Carolina.
David Venable
A show host on QVC.
As of September 2014, David Venable from QVC is 49 years old. He was born in November 1964.
No, David Venable and Linda Davies are not married to each other. David Venable is a popular host on QVC known for his cooking shows, while Linda Davies is a British author. Their professional lives may intersect on QVC, but there is no personal relationship between them beyond that.
His private life is private.
It is generally understood that David has an alternate lifechoice
$26,000 per year
All of David's recipes will be made into a cookbook - available sometime in the fall 2012!